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Vitamin C linked to reduced stroke risk

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 10:06 am
by aineo
I was shocked to see a study this morning that supports vitamin C as a factor in reduced risk for stroke.

Of course, it would be nice if they carried this further that they did, but it is still nice to see. It seems to me the mainstream media is as afraid of admitting the benefits of vitamin C as mainstream doctors are.

Re: Vitamin C linked to reduced stroke risk

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:49 pm
by davids1
aineo wrote:It seems to me the mainstream media is as afraid of admitting the benefits of vitamin C as mainstream doctors are.
Yes, Aineo, it would seem you are absolutely correct in that supposition. And when you think about it, it is only logical, i.e. who [or by what means] are the media [and universities and research grant seekers, etc., etc., etc.] financially supported [by]? Is it not advertising [and donations, and grants, etc.]? As the old saying goes, "He who pays the piper, calls the tune!" And, as a poster on the wall in my father's office [so facetiously] put it, "In this place of business, the golden rule applies: He who has the gold, rules!"

Just my viewpoint and "two cents worth,"


Re: Vitamin C linked to reduced stroke risk

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 12:54 pm
by ofonorow
Thank you for that link aineo. All in all not bad, although they seem to have to include the implication that foods are the best source of vitamin C. What I liked about this test was that they measured blood levels. I think that without exception, every time a good team measures blood levels of vitamin C, the results are positive, often spectacular, the more vitamin C people have in their blood.

I know that we predicted a good study on the horizon, but I'll have to find the post to remember the preceding "bad" study.

Added - the first presumably bogus study was regarding antioxidants and lung cancer, so it seems we are still waiting for the positive news this was to block.