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Acute Coronary Syndrome

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 6:10 am
by jimmylesante
Hi folks
So lying on my bed 0145hrs, completely relaxed my heart starts pounding like mad, get two very sharp painful chest pains near the armpit of pectoral attachment. I dig out the BP and over the next 20mins i get
154/105 94bpm
101/53 76bpm
150/103 109bpm
159/102 103 bpm
177/115 107bpm
155/108 97 bpm
152/103 98bpm
153/98 95bpm
141/103 101bpm
I head off to hospital where they do ECG, normal, BP still around 145/100, morphine and blood thinners given. By 0500 BP back to normal, circa 120/80.
Troponine negative, blood count all normal. Suddenly got very phlegmy an hour in casualty and developed an instance wet cough?
Fasting lipid profile
Chol: 4.76
HDL:0.94 low
Trig:3.58 high
VLDL: 1.64
Chol/HDL 5

Where too now, clearly a reduction in carbs and also weight. But i don't think it's my heart:(
I notice my 4th and 5th knuckles on both hands are discoloured and "padded" sure i saw this as something to do with a hormone?? Doc wasn't interested though.
Booked in for a stress test next week, somewhere to start.
Guess i'll be upping my Niacin- the doc still prescribed artovastatin 20mg once at night(which i won't be doing)
Also ciprofloxacin(antibiotic) for lungs.

Re: Acute Coronary Syndrome

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 9:34 am
by ofonorow
Little confused. So pains, rapid heartbeat and elevated blood pressure? What did you eat? Are you taking any weight loss OTC concoctions? Drugs? What is your supplement regimen?

Re: Acute Coronary Syndrome

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 10:43 am
by jimmylesante
No medication at all.
About 5g Vit C
Vit B tablet
Niacin 100g
Slow release Magnesium tablet. about 350mg
500mg Lysine
Beta Carotene tablet 100mg

Ate 4hrs previously, wheat cereal(cerelac) and milk.
The last 4 bp readings my arms were shaking uncontrollably.

Re: Acute Coronary Syndrome

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 3:32 pm
by Johnwen
This is whats called a "hypertensive crisis," You'll note the 1st BP read the BP is moderately elevated but the pulse is under 100 (94) This is caused by the heart not sending out enough volume of blood usually associated with PAC's or A-fib.
Caused by not enough blood in the atrium or an electrical problem. Since your lungs are congested I would say that's probably what caused this.
Simply put when theres not enough blood going into the heart for it to eject enough volume to the rest of the body the only way it can get "Something" out to the far away parts is to clamp the arteries down which increases the pressure so the outer regions get something to them! Since the only crisis is low volume the chemical stimulants are not there to increase the heart rate.
Yes there is other problems that can cause this and like your doing get it checked out! In the meantime get the lungs working properly!!

Re: Acute Coronary Syndrome

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 1:14 am
by jimmylesante
Thanks Johnwen
How is it you manage to make me understand with such clarity yet the cardiologists here are very close to chest types??
The second BP reading concerned me and i did elevate in stress levels slightly and took a 300mg disprin.
The lungs all started to play up about 6weeks ago when i started to incorporate a 500m/1000m jog in my fat fighting exercise regime. This seemed to stimulate them to start getting rid of phlegm. I've always thought that my left lower lobe was full of gunk from the days i used to smoke(been around 3yrs now since quitting 40 a day, still have a few a year at Xmas parties etc) The docs listen but can't hear anything from the lower left lung- which if it was full of gunk it wouldn't make a sound.
Anyway i had a sputum test some weeks ago and it showed up candida albicans, fluconazol, helped then amoxicillin/potassium clavunalate and now the ciprofloxacin- which made me taste old blood and puss in my mouth!! yuck.

Holter test done and tomorrow a stress test- from there hopefully a CT of the lungs.

Johnwen will the stress test definitely rule out
2)Coronary blockages of any amount
3)any other immediate life threatening problems. So as i can start my own proper fitness regime without fear of keeling over.
The cardiologist i am seeing is very good, trained in Uk and a Fellow- but he doesn't communicate my simple level.

Re: Acute Coronary Syndrome

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:02 pm
by jimmylesante
Holter Monitor normal- lowest BPM 52, highest 137.
Stress Test Normal, went to 102% of MHR.
BP in left arm was measured, systolic 30mmHG higher than BP in right arm...?
Next stop CT scan.

Re: Acute Coronary Syndrome

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 2:14 am
by jimmylesante
CT scan
No pericardial pathology,no pulmonary pathology,no pleural effusion,no aortic distension or aneurism,no mediastinal or hilar lymphadenopathy.
All other viscera unremarkable!
There is hepatic steatosis- fatty liver which is non alcoholic- just fat fat.
I would have thought 20years of smoking would have showed up in my lungs somewhere in that CT scan?

So guess i suck it up and carry on. Otherwise i will check myself into a mental asylum soon.
Might try that super vegan diet:) including eggs, nuts and a small amount of dairy(raw milk)- guess it should be a vegetarian diet.
30day challenge.

Re: Acute Coronary Syndrome

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 11:27 am
by ofonorow
Sounds like good news!? As far as the "fatty liver", there is a memory about some ways to deal with that...

Found this at Dr. Saul's "":

3. Take a lot more "C," Lee
Vincent Zannoni at the University of Michigan Medical School has shown that vitamin C protects the liver. Even doses as low as 500 milligrams daily helps prevent fatty buildup and cirrhosis. 5,000 mg of vitamin C per day appears to actually flush fats from the liver. (Ritter, M. "Study Says Vitamin C Could Cut Liver Damage," Associated Press, October 11, 1986) And vitamin C over 50,000 mg/day (not a misprint) results in patients feeling better in just a few days, and actually eliminates jaundice in under a week. (Cathcart, Robert F. III (1981) The method of determining proper doses of vitamin C for the treatment of disease by titrating to bowel tolerance. Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry. 10:125-132.) Frederick Klenner, MD, found that such huge doses of vitamin C had his patients recovered and back to work in under a week. (Klenner, Frederick R. (1971) Observations on the dose of administration of ascorbic acid when employed beyond the range of a vitamin in human pathology. Journal of Applied Nutrition. 23(3 and 4), pp 61-68, Winter.) These and additional references are found in the highly-recommended book by Melvyn Werbach, M.D. (1988) Nutritional Influences on Illness. New Canaan, CT: Keats Publishing.

Re: Acu te Coronary Syndrome

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 4:33 am
by jimmylesante
It is good news.
Just leaves me wandering when i became such a hypochondriac!! I think since my kids were born i have realised my own mortality and hence perhaps being seriously overreactive.!?

Re: Acute Coronary Syndrome

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 10:43 am
by jimmylesante
So i have lost9kg in two months. But still need to lose another 20kg. I am 178cm and now 110kgs.
The last few days have felt weak and dizzyish,
Do my BP today
1446hrs 122/87 94 bpm (had just finished work)
After lying on bed for an hour reading this great forum
1713hrs 118/78 66bpm(worried about this low pulse rate)
Stand up and walk around
1717hrs 132/94 75bpm
1722hrs 123/84 74bpm
go finish bathing the kids
1729hrs 131/83 76bpm
1733hrs 118/81 76bpm
1741hrs 129/86 73bpm(after dressing kids)
1746hrs 122/81 69bpm
1751hrs 124/88 72bpm
go for 1km walk-take pulse straight after 1807hrs is 92bpm
1810hrs 127/87 74bpm

I know i have lost weight(certainly visceral fat ), but am still fat and unfit and my pulse rate shouldn't be so "good" Normally it is around 84-94
Morning pulse rate is normally 70 and BP 110/70
Am i being stupid and paranoid(do i need to book a session in a psych ward?) 1841hrs 123/82 67bpm as i lie here typing

Re: Acute Coronary Syndrome

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 10:04 am
by Johnwen

Re: Acute Coronary Syndrome

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 10:51 am
by jimmylesante
Thanks for the response.
I'll start tonight the baby aspirin and then the next three days, am and pm. Should i start taking BP straight away or take the aspirin for 3-4days first then take BP on days 5-7?
Thursday 1900hrs quarter of 300mg disprin
1930hrs 126/91 79
2000hrs 116/77 77
2015hrs 108/79 79
2030hrs 114/80 75
2045hrs 113/74 73

Re: Acute Coronary Syndrome

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 10:33 pm
by Johnwen

Re: Acute Coronary Syndrome

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 11:06 pm
by jimmylesante
You do know disprin is a fast acting aspirin? Correct!

I do- thats why i took BP after 30mins. I'll get the baby aspirin.
I'll look for the blood tests.

Re: Acute Coronary Syndrome

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 1:16 pm
by jimmylesante
I got Sodium and potassium and eGFR but don't see any chloride or calcium below are 4 different tests over the years
Sodium 144mmol/L 142 144 142
Potassium 5.1mmol/L 4.3 4.3 4.1
GFR 76mls/min 60 90 67