update on my heart condition

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update on my heart condition

Post by les » Thu Jun 07, 2007 3:31 pm

hi guys,have now reached the point were i am not progressing any more,am still on the ascorsine9/
unique e,coq10,cod liver oil capsule,magnesium citrate,multivitamin & minerals,l-arginine,b complex,hawthorn berries,white willow bark,& 1 beteblocker twice a day,i also juice everyday and also drink some kombucha,& do a little walking,
on sunday i ended up in the a&e(emergency room)thought i was having another heart attack,all the tests were ok,apart from the ecg,which was a little different from the one i had in 2004,the docs reckoned everything was ok,but i knew there was something going on with my ticker so i asked to have the 24 hour ecg monitor,i have an appointment to be fitted with one on the 25 of this month,if everything turns out to be okay,the problem will most probably be stress,
but i still feel a lot better than when i was taking the drugs which the hospital prescribed for me,the docs tried talking me into taking a 80mg statin even though my cholesterol is not high,i have always refused them & did so again this time,i told the docs i was taking natures statin as recommended by linus pauling,i tried to explain his therapy to them but they were not interested,out of the 4 docs i saw only 1 had heard of pauling,that says it all.

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More Info

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jun 07, 2007 5:56 pm

What were the symptoms. I like everything you are doing, with a few minor exceptions.

Without reviewing your case, I can't remember your dental history. I know Dr. Levy would focus on any possible dental toxicity - especially mercury and root canals. Could dental toxicity be your problem?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year



Post by les » Fri Jun 08, 2007 12:47 am

my symptons are,palpitations,adrenalin release, sweating,get very tired very very easily & occasional mild pain & also still tired after sleep,,
no mercury or root canals,have read dr levy's book,stuart brandt kindly sent it to me,
owen what are the minor exceptions?i am always open to any suggestions,i am not a medical person & all my knowledge about alternative medicine comes from the likes of yourself, dr mercola & other docs on the web plus i read whatever books i can get hold of,i'm on my own here as there are no naturopathic docs in the uk as far as i know,all the docs i see have closed minds,my gp will not even have a discussion about vitamins,most probably knows nothing about them.

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Post by ofonorow » Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:53 am

Well, substances that our bodies don't ordinarily require for good health are not orthomolecular, they may or may not improve your condition. e.g. hawthorn berries, white willow bark (and of course the beta blocker)

ascorsine9/unique e,coq10,cod liver oil capsule,magnesium citrate,multivitamin & minerals,l-arginine,b complex,hawthorn berries,white willow bark,& 1 beteblocker twice a day,i also juice everyday and also drink some kombucha,& do a little walking,

I really like everything else, but wonder if perhaps you have a high(er) requirement for vitamin C? You may have to add extra C to achieve tolerance?

Also, what is the daily dosage of CoQ10?

And I would hate it if you are using an inferior cod-liver oil that happens to by high in mercury and/or toxins! That would be a shame. Also, I don't think Cod-Liver oil is a good substitute for a pure Omega/3 oil.

Thinking about your symptoms..No toxicity.. hmmm

My symptons are,palpitations,adrenalin release, sweating,get very tired very very easily & occasional mild pain & also still tired after sleep,,

This is a lack of adrenal function. Typical in vitamin C deficiency.

What is your blood sugar by the way?

If there is no source of toxicity, then your symptoms remind me of vitamin C and/or CoQ10 deficiency symptoms and/or reactions to drugs. We should first eliminate this as a possibility.

Here is a plan to try. Keep a daily record/diary of how you feel.

#1 Increase vitamin C - Add a 500 mg ascorbic acid pill every
4 hours to your regimen. Let us know what your daily tolerance turns out to be.

#2. Slowly eliminate non-orthomolecular supplements. (slowly decrease over several days or weeks) the Willow Bark and Hawthorn Berry. (And maybe lower the Beta Blocker dose with your doctor's permission)

#3 Find a good Omega/3 oil. At least change brands of Cod Liver Oil, and start taking a good Omega/3 oil. (This forum contains many suggestions, e.g. Carlson)

#4. Try increasing the CoQ10, perhaps by 20 - 50 mg daily - until the symptoms of being tired are eliminated. Take CoQ10 with natural peanut butter or cheese.

On the bright side, they were unable to find any obvious or overt problems for your lack of adrenal function when you went to the ER. After we eliminate the drugs, and increase C & CoQ10, I predict that these symptoms will recede. If not, we can begin thinking even more outside the box. It does not sound mechanical - blockage, it is probably hormonal. (And in that vein, Irwin Stone used to refer to Vitamin C as the "missing stress hormone.")
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year



Post by les » Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:12 am

daily dosage of coq10,150mg,will increase it to 180mg a day,
will visit my gp to obtain my blood sugar reading,
have found a good omega 3 oil,it is double distilled & then concentrated & enriched with extra omega 3,each gelatin free capsule provides,130mg of omega 3 dha as well as 200mg of epa,
my daily tolerance has always been 60grams in 4 x15 gram doses,have started taking extra 500mg
ascorbic acid pill every 4 hours,
have started my daily record of how i feel,
have noted and will act on your advice concerning non orthomolecular substances,
owen i really appreciate your input,without this forum i would most probably still be in the dark,and still taking the big pharma drugs,
once again owen i would like to thank you and all the guys and gals on this forum for the very good advice and help that i have recieved over the last 18 months or so.


Post by J.Lilinoe » Sat Jun 09, 2007 4:02 am

its always good to hear from you. I just hope you will feel better soon.
You have been through a lot of stress as it is.
Take good care,



Post by les » Sat Jun 09, 2007 4:40 am

hi jl,dont know what i would do without this forum,so much help & such lovely knowledgable people,
thanks for your interest.


Post by J.Lilinoe » Sat Jun 09, 2007 10:20 pm


Did you see Seymor Spectacles post regarding chondroitin sulfate?
I wonder if that will help.
By the way, all of the symptoms that you describe seem to lead to the beta blocker as the culprit.
My mom had the same symptoms which eventually led to her stroke.



Post by les » Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:50 am

thanks jl,have just read seymour's post,will have a try with the chondroitin sulfate,as i do have some scarring from 2 heart attacks,on the 25 of this month i'm having a 24 hour ecg monitor and i will make sure that i get a copy of the tracing for future reference,since changing my gp some of my medical records get lost/missplaced,so by getting a copy i will be able to get future tracings checked against my old one's,hope spring eternal.
thanks again jl.

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Something I missed

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jun 10, 2007 7:16 am


60 gs daily of vitamin !? I must have missed this, because I don't think I would forget such a high vitamin C intake.

60,000 mg?? . This amount indicates that you are battling something. Probably an infection. (Although, this is the same amount a person at the Linus Pauling Institute once told me that Dr. Robert Cathcart takes daily.)

Is this your current upper limit, or could you go higher?

We can look at Cathcart's chart, http://www.orthomed.com/titrate.htm - and when we know your true daily maximum, we can make a more educated guess about what it is that your are fighting. (I do remember that certain viral infections, such as Mono, require upwards of 200 g (200,000 mg) daily.

As far as the Chrondrotin and IP6 - I'd wait. See what happens first with the above plan.

Now, with a 60 g vitamin C intake, I'd be thinking infection. I'd increase my vitamin A (cheap) to 25,000 to 50,000 iu, maybe more, and vitamin D3 to 5000 iu (and lots of Sun). Both of these are very important for the immune system.

Finally, if for some reason your body isn't making CoQ10 (might be the beta blocker!!) then your current intake is just barely enough. I might think about doubling CoQ10 (e.g. 300-400 mg daily eaten with fats) and starting from there to see what happens to your energy.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year



Post by les » Sun Jun 10, 2007 8:42 am

at the moment i am taking 1heaped teaspoon of ascorsine9 twice a day,
5 unique e in the morning,
1 multivit & mineral,
1x100mg magnesium citrate,
1x500mg l-arginine
180mg coq10
i was taking the 60,000 mg vit c before i started on the ascorsine9,
i increased my coq10 from 150 to 180mg yesterday,tomorrow i will increase it to 300mg
at the moment all my vitamin d is coming from 20/30 minutes in the sun,
i am not taking any vitamin a,first thing tomorrow i will nip out & get some vitamin a & vitamin d3,
i was taking 1x3.125 carvedilol twice a day,have reduced it to 1x1/2 3.125 twice daily,will not bother to consult my gp over reducing the carvedilol,we do not see eye to eye,i fell out with him over the
treatment my wife recieved,i only go there when it is really necessary.

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hmmmmmmmmmm More confused

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jun 11, 2007 8:38 am

i was taking the 60,000 mg vit c before i started on the ascorsine9


I'm still confused. Did you stop taking the 60 g of C when you began the Ascorsine-9?

That would be a serious problem, because there is roughly 6 g of vitamin C in ascorsine 9.

(Or was that 60 g you mentioned supposed to be 6 (six) grams????? Obviously, if your
vitamin C intake is six grams, then the adrenal insufficiency is explained by too little vitamin C, and you need to add C to your Ascorsine-9 to tolerance.

But then, you did say you were taking 15 g 4 times daily...)

So how much vitamin C outside of A-9 are you taking?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year



Post by les » Mon Jun 11, 2007 8:52 am

yes owen i stopped taking the 60g when i started on the ascorsine9,& now take 1x 500mg tablet every 4 hours,
so i should go back on the vitamin c powder again,by taking the a9 i was under the misconception that and the 500mg tablets were enough,so now i should go back to bowel tolerance?

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Re: update

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jun 11, 2007 9:13 am

les wrote:yes owen i stopped taking the 60g when i started on the ascorsine9,& now take 1x 500mg tablet every 4 hours,
so i should go back on the vitamin c powder again,by taking the a9 i was under the misconception that and the 500mg tablets were enough,so now i should go back to bowel tolerance?

I think we found the problem - you dropped from 60,000 mg to 6,000 mg daily!!!

I'm glad we can communicate via this forum! Ideally, you would simply add A-9 (with its 6000 mg of C) to your old 60,000 mg regimen. (I assume you aren't bothered by gas/diarrhea?)

We know that you are able to tolerate 15,000 mg of vitamin C at a shot. So, depending on how often and how many C tablets you take very 4 hours, you should add C powder to the A-9. You should add a 1-3 teaspoons of vitamin C powder to your A-9 drinks, i.e., this adds 4000 to 12000 vitamin C to the 3000 in a serving of A-9.

Ralph Lotz (Vitamin C store) has an excellent price on vitamin C powder that is high quality and could be added to support your high tolerance! Keep taking 1- 4 500 mg tables every 4 hours. Hopefully you can keep track of the total daily vitamin C. Keep us informed.

P.s. the amounts of everything else in A-9 are about right. To my knowledge, only the vitamin C has such a high variance in the general population. It is not uncommon to have to add C powder to the Tower drinks on a case by case basis.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year



Post by les » Mon Jun 11, 2007 1:34 pm

i agree with you owen this forum is a lifesaver,
will follow your advice to the letter,i do get some gas now & again.no problem a small price to pay,
thanks owen really appreciate all your input.

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