Vitamin C v rhinitis

This forum will focus on the interesting topic of titrating oral vitamin C intake to so-called bowel tolerance, the point just prior to the onset of diarrhea

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Vitamin C v rhinitis

Post by Zenith » Mon Jan 30, 2006 10:14 am

Can anyone confirm whether Vitamin C can help my condition. I suffer from a severe case of rhinitis. According to my physician/consultant, it is of the incurable type (Vasamotor Rhinitis). Over the years, and due to the constant discharge of mucus, the membrane linings of my nose have developed polyps. I had surgery to remove the initial growths, but they have returned with a vengeance. This condition prevents a restful night's sleep as the nose completely blocks. As a consequence to all this, I have had no sense of taste or smell for the last ten years. My apologies if there's too much information here, but I was hoping there may be an expert out there who can go one better than my physician who advises me to go and live on the top of a Swiss mountain to have any hope of a cure.

Mike O. (Zenith)

P.S. Is there such a thing as an incurable condition?


Post by Ken_RN » Mon Jan 30, 2006 10:56 am

Have you tried the homemade Vitamin C nasal spray?

See #2 at

I think it's definitely worth a try. One of the few prescription nasal sprays that is approved for vasomotor rhinitis is azelastine HCl (Astelin) which is just a topical antihistamine. Vitamin C is a strong antihistamine itself and has been shown elsewhere to "attenuate abnormal vasomotor reactivity" (1) so it stands to reason that it may be effective nasally as well. I'd try the spray PLUS bowel tolerance dosing of oral Vitamin C for best results.

And please report back if you try this to let us know if it worked for you.

Good luck,

1. [url=]Vitamin C attenuates abnormal vasomotor reactivity in spasm coronary arteries in patients with coronary spastic angina.
J Am Coll Cardiol. 1998 Jul;32(1):103-9.[/url]

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Snorting Sodium Ascorbate Powder

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jan 30, 2006 12:58 pm

This is from our main page.

Tom T. wrote:Dear Sirs,

I am 32 and have suffered with sinus infections my entire life. Sometime more than 5 a year and sometimes lasting several months. I have tried every product on the market and almost every prescription known for this.

I thought there was no cure. Only temporary fixes that antibiotics and decongestants offered would stave off the infection for a time.

However, with your help I believe I have found a cure.

I now treat myself with regular dosages of vitamin c in excess of 3000mg a day. However, this alone has not been the complete cure. I found that although this improved my overall health and well being I still was getting them.

So, one day I felt the sinus pressure building in my head, my face starting to swell. I decided I would crush the vitamin c into a fine power and "SNORT IT" through the nostrils. I did not try the nasal spray suggested by your articles. I just did not want to waste time. I would take a very small amount of vitamin c power on the tip of my finger and sniff it into each nostril about every 5 to 10 minutes.

Here is the amazing part.

I noticed immediately that the mucus was breaking up. Much similar to a nasal spray like [deleted] that causes an initial break up. However, unlike [product deleted] which eventually stops the mucus break up and then has the reverse effect and also drys your nasal passages. The vitamin c power kept on breaking up the mucus and causing drainage. My very painful sinus headache was literally gone in about 30 minutes.

Better than that though! I felt completely clear headed in about an hour. And even better than that was greenish in color coming out of my nose was now clear!!! I really believe this is a miracle cure!!! I mean I have been suffering with this my whole life!!!!

How and why is this working? What is it doing to my nasal passages? Also, am I experiencing an anti-histamine affect stronger than oral ingesting vitamin c? I think I must be for my sinuses to clear so quickly and stay clear for over 10+ hours!!!

Thank You and God Bless You
Tom T

Sodium ascorbate was recommended by Catchart, which generated this

Tom T wrote:Dear Vitamin C Foundation:

I Just wanted to update you on my progress.

I was the guy taking ascorbic acid up the nose.

Well pursuant to your Technical Advisor's advice I switched to sodium ascorbate power. I am still taking it up the nose in power form not liquid form. My sinuses are still clear. Sinus infections have not come back even in the mitts of a full blown allergy attack. This is a remarkable CURE!!!!! It has changed my life, please spread the word.

God Bless You and The Vitamin C Foundation.

Tom T.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Post by Zenith » Tue Jan 31, 2006 12:57 pm

Thank you for the help given so far. I'm applying Tom T's method first as it seems to be the easiest to try out. One of the problems with having nasal polyps is that it's not always that easy to 'snort' up. In fact it's not easy to 'snort' out. Until I get some relief and the nasal airways clear slightly, this is the only opportunity I have. I hope there is no danger that the small amount of Vit C inhaled will help 'feed' the polyps.

Of course, and in my opinion, the rhinitis is just the sympton, so hopefully the right amount of Vit C ingested will tackle the cause. I've had this condition for a long time, so I'm not banking on the miracle cure that Tom T experienced. Instead, I'll take the long-term view and just stick at it.

If there is any change in my condition, I will post the information in this forum.

Thanks again,

Mike O.


Re: Vitamin C v rhinitis

Post by bellafromaustin » Thu Jun 12, 2008 3:12 pm


Re: Vitamin C v rhinitis

Post by Angleena-Smith » Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:08 am

I am 24 and have suffered with sinus infections my entire life. Sometime more than 5 a year and sometimes lasting several months. I have tried every product on the market and almost every prescription known for this.

I thought there was no cure. Only temporary fixes that antibiotics and decongestants offered would stave off the infection for a time.

However, with your help I believe I have found a cure.

I now treat myself with regular dosages of vitamin c in excess of 3000mg a day. However, this alone has not been the complete cure. I found that although this improved my overall health and well being I still was getting them.[url=]Drug Rehab Center[/url]

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