Lipid panel after 6 weeks - opinions?

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Lipid panel after 6 weeks - opinions?

Post by davsf » Sun Sep 14, 2008 6:01 pm

I started the vitamin C / lysine/proline program about 6 weeks ago, taking about 20 grams vitamin C daily. Last week I used the mail-in lipid panel by BioQ, and the results, compared to July 8, 2008 are as follows, where the July 8 readings are first:

Total: 193 / 117
Triglycerides: 212 / 83
LDL: 93 / 63
HDL: 58 / 38

The July 8 readings were taken before I suspected I had coronary blockage and calcification. The recent ones are after 6 weeks of strict diet, pauline's regimine, and lipitor (10 mg), plus total abstinence of all dairy and egg yellows.

My cardiologist set a target of 40 for the LDL, but, these readings suggest my HDL is too low.

Any opinions? Of course I'll discuss these readings with my doctor this week. Does anyone have any opinion as to the mail-in lab testings?

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Re: Lipid panel after 6 weeks - opinions?

Post by Dolev » Mon Sep 15, 2008 1:28 am

It seems to me that the LDL is too low for health. With such low cholesterol you are likely to have low hormonal levels, with many related problems, as well as problems caused by cholesterol's other roles. You may be dehydrating, for example. Prozac is just around the corner.

Are you very thin? Just curious, because I've mostly seen low levels like that in thin people.

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Re: Lipid panel after 6 weeks - opinions?

Post by ofonorow » Tue Sep 16, 2008 4:48 am

I agree with Dolev, and wonder why you are avoiding eggs/yolks, which are fine foods?

How are you feeling?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Lipid panel after 6 weeks - opinions?

Post by davsf » Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:31 am

I have been thin for several years now (5' 8"/ 140 lbs), and I can't complain about feeling bad except being worried about plaque and calcification in my coronary arteries. What drove me to have these tests run was that when I exercised strenuously, such as swinging an ax, moving boxes, digging ditches, lifting weights, etc., I would run out of breath very quickly and then I would feel chest pains for 1 - 4 hours afterwards. Since the blockage was not more than 50%, they didn't insert a stint or anything, but, I am told that I am too old (66) for "heavy lifting", and that plaque buildup and calcification is more a function of age (like gray hair), so, I am advised to lower LDL and slow down any further buildup. I don't know what to believe, but, it all sounds to me like no one really knows the complex workings within the coronary arteries - I get put off when I try to get a detailed analysis of the theories. I am taking vitc/lysine/proline to my tolerance level (20 g/day), and I am also taking several of the other supplements suggested here, so I am hoping some reversal can be achieved. Both my cardiologist and my PCP say the lowering my LDL to 40 would be a good thing to avoid what they call "secondary events" (which is taken to mean any kind of coronary anamoly like a heart attack or angina or blood clot).

Anyway, I still exercise vigorously, but I have avoided the heavy and strenous anerobic workouts - I don't let my pulse get above 130 and so far, I feel OK. Before my heart cath, I would often find my pulse over 150 for a miniute or two during some of my more strenous activities. That is what I am advised to avoid.

I eat the whites of eggs (hard boiled), but, according to Jack Lalane's diet, I haven't eaten the yellows for about 7 years now. I quit all dairy recently because it is supposed to promote plaque buildup. I really like the taste of dairy, but, I have to admit I feel better after being off it for several weeks.

Has anyone else experienced such low levels of HDL? I was wondering about ways to increase the HDL without increasing the LDL.

I am determined to do the best I can for the next two years to reverse the plaque and calcification, but, I am surprised that there is no real consensus in the scientific/medical world as the the detailed workings of coronary problems. If my plaque buildup increases during the next two years, then I will be a candidate for a stint, or, if really advanced, then a bypass. Doctor's advise me not to expect any reversal (as they believe it is an age-related ailment). I insist on trying anyway, with the pauline regimen and other suppliments. I'll find out in two years, but, until then, I'm still seekng as much information as I can - it is not my nature to just give up while I am still able to do something about it.

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Re: Lipid panel after 6 weeks - opinions?

Post by Dolev » Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:34 am

Are you taking vitamin K2?


Re: Lipid panel after 6 weeks - opinions?

Post by davsf » Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:55 pm

Vitamin K2 (super K), Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, niacin, fish oil, flax oil, borage oil, magnesium, msm/chondritin/glucosamine, boswellia, pantethine (b5 from cholestame). I add garlic, turmeric, oregano, black and cayenne pepper, cumin, and cloves to my salads. Between meals I take IP6 on empty stomach in hopes of chelating the calcium from the arteries (probably wishful thinking, but, worth trying).

I would like to find a case where a patient underwent a heart cath before and after to demonstrate a reversal of plaque/calcification in coronary arteries. That is really the only way to know for sure that reversal has occurred for either condition. I can't find any doctor who believes this can happen. They say once you have plaque or calcification, it never goes away, and all you can do is try to limit or retard the growth. Bumer. They are going to check me again in two years, and, if there is any reversal, you can be sure I'll make a lot of noise about it.

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Re: Lipid panel after 6 weeks - opinions?

Post by ofonorow » Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:40 am

Lets see if I can remember some interesting points you made..

I quit all dairy recently because it is supposed to promote plaque buildup.

No wonder people are confused! (You should read Pauling's HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER for the best scientific facts). Now, that doesn't mean that in your case, stopping dairy isn't a good move, since you report feeling better. (However, you could also be feeling better because of the vitamin C/lysine!)

I am surprised that there is no real consensus in the scientific/medical world as the the detailed workings of coronary problems.

So true. Think of the implication of this statement. And herein lies the problem, as the workings were beginning to be clearly understood in the 1950s, but then completely disregarded. And this is too much for a rational person to believe - that medical science would have ignored a potential cure for something that causes so much human suffering. But they have, because of its monetary impact on medicine/Big Pharama. The suppression has been deliberate.

So back to your case, the chances are EXCELLENT that if you keep following Pauling's advice, and in the large recommended dosages, even your hard "calcified" plaques will return to a more healthy state in 2 years.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Lipid panel after 6 weeks - opinions?

Post by Ralph Lotz » Fri Sep 19, 2008 6:57 am

LIPITOR increases Lp(a).
Lowering LDL increases the risk of cancer.
Throwing away egg yolks eliminates a couple of carotenoids that prevent macular degeneration.
Attempting to manipulate cholesterol levels about doubles the risk of death from all causes accept in those with familial hypercholesterolemia.

Maybe we should all move to Japan and adopt a Mediterranean Diet?
"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution...medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship..force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what..dictating outfit offers." Dr. Benjamin Rush


Re: Lipid panel after 6 weeks - opinions?

Post by davsf » Mon Sep 22, 2008 4:18 pm

Last week they did another lipid count and my doctor was happy with the results, telling me to stay with the course and he'll check them again in 6 months. The latests numbers are 3rd ones in the following list:

Total: 193 / 117 / 122
Triglycerides: 212 / 83 / 48
LDL: 93 / 63 / 57
HDL: 58 / 38 / 55

I appreciate the comments, and, for what it is worth, I also believe that the 20 g or vitamin C and lysine/proline are helping to reduce the LDL level, and helping overall health. I may be fooling myself and be in for a big disappointment, but, I am expecting a noticable reversal in my plaque blockage, and even some lessening of the non-blockage calcification in 2 years when they may check it again. I am expecting that because I know my vit c intake is the max, since, when I increase it to 24 grams, I get gaseous and start experiencing diarrhea - so I know whatever repairs can be done with vitamin C are taking place with this massive dosage.

There was a report about Jack Lalane about 5 years ago where they said he was near 90 and still working out regularly - he gave his diet which included egg whites but no yellows - I just figured he knew best so i followed his advice.

I do actually feel better after several weeks away from dairy - i don't have that slightly sluggish feeling after meals and I have even lost another 5 lbs of body fat from around my waist, even though I eat plenty of a well rounded diet. It bothered me at first because I had a craving for ice cream and pizza and butter (and all those tasty treats), but, I seem to have gotten over that now - what a surprise.

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Re: Lipid panel after 6 weeks - opinions?

Post by ofonorow » Tue Sep 23, 2008 5:09 am

Very good news. Keep us informed.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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