Atrial Fibrillation and Orange juice...

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Atrial Fibrillation and Orange juice...

Post by site351 » Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:27 am

I've been a member here and do not start threads very often.....I read
mostly about Vitamin C and take a lot of it.
I am a Vietnam Veteran and have had Atrial Fibrillation for years and
the V.A. has me on the beta-blocker.
One thing I have noticed in the last 2 months is the fact when I drink
a couple glasses of Orange juice everyday...I noticeably have reduced problems. I can't explain it. I have asked on other forums and nobody
has a clue to my question. I think possibly I could have
another medical issue thats causes my AFib that the Juice helps in some way. I know Orange juice has sugars in it...but I am totally stumped as to why it
stops my Heart problems.. Anyone else ever heard of this ?? Thanks


Re: Atrial Fibrillation and Orange juice...

Post by godsilove » Sun Feb 28, 2010 12:18 pm

site351 wrote:I've been a member here and do not start threads very often.....I read
mostly about Vitamin C and take a lot of it.
I am a Vietnam Veteran and have had Atrial Fibrillation for years and
the V.A. has me on the beta-blocker.
One thing I have noticed in the last 2 months is the fact when I drink
a couple glasses of Orange juice everyday...I noticeably have reduced problems. I can't explain it. I have asked on other forums and nobody
has a clue to my question. I think possibly I could have
another medical issue thats causes my AFib that the Juice helps in some way. I know Orange juice has sugars in it...but I am totally stumped as to why it
stops my Heart problems.. Anyone else ever heard of this ?? Thanks

Are you also experiencing this with vitamin C supplements, or only when you consume OJ?

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Re: Atrial Fibrillation and Orange juice...

Post by site351 » Sun Feb 28, 2010 12:43 pm

Only when I drink the Orange Juice....

I take 4 to 5 1000mg of Vitamin C a day most of the time.

I have these times when I feel my heart start this
quivering...light headed ...passing out spells...but
as soon as I drink the juice they subside ?? If I
drink gets worse. I can't explain it.
Its almost instant relief !! I have very very low
cholesterol and no blocked arteries...but somehow
the OJ obviously does something...I just can't find a
thing about the connection ???


Re: Atrial Fibrillation and Orange juice...

Post by godsilove » Sun Feb 28, 2010 1:10 pm

site351 wrote:Only when I drink the Orange Juice....

I take 4 to 5 1000mg of Vitamin C a day most of the time.

I have these times when I feel my heart start this
quivering...light headed ...passing out spells...but
as soon as I drink the juice they subside ?? If I
drink gets worse. I can't explain it.
Its almost instant relief !! I have very very low
cholesterol and no blocked arteries...but somehow
the OJ obviously does something...I just can't find a
thing about the connection ???

Do you drink it around the same time you take your beta-blocker? Orange juice can interfere with it's absorption, but I'm not sure that would explain your symptoms.

Have you tried other sweet beverages,e.g. apple juice?

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Re: Atrial Fibrillation and Orange juice...

Post by site351 » Sun Feb 28, 2010 1:34 pm

Well....I suppose I have OJ more readily available more often
than other juices like Apple juice...I take 100mg Atenolol first
thing in the morning about 6:30 and same thing maybe 12 hours
later. But almost everyday...after noon and with the stress of
day mounting...I get these out of breath dizzy spells and can tell
my heart is in AFrib. But as soon as I drink the 10 minutes
it subsides. I'm very excited about this.....this thing has had me in
its grip for years. I don't expect miracles but this is the closest I've
come in a long time....I'll try other juices, but I'm sure it has
something to do with the sugars...or potassium...or other.....

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Re: Atrial Fibrillation and Orange juice...

Post by Johnwen » Sun Feb 28, 2010 4:48 pm

I agree with godsilove try a different juice. Try an apple drink it has a lot of fructose in it. If it gives you the same results you might want to talk to your "One license works anywhere," Docs at the VA and have yourself checked for diabetes. You might be just a little low on your sugar absorbition. This also can cause A-Fib. Orange juice and other juices that are high with fructose move sugar into system very rapidly.
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Re: Atrial Fibrillation and Orange juice...

Post by bbtri » Mon Mar 01, 2010 6:29 am

Check this out.

Your idea on the potassium is worth looking into. Potassium is part of the heart rhythm regulation system, and OJ has a lot.

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Re: Atrial Fibrillation and Orange juice...

Post by Johnwen » Mon Mar 01, 2010 9:42 am

Atenolol can mask the early warning symptoms of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), and should be used with caution in patients receiving treatment for diabetes.

Research suggests that normal doses of atenolol probably do not increase the risk of low blood sugar. However, the medication can make low blood sugar less noticeable, which can be dangerous, especially for people with diabetes. ... sugar.html
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Re: Atrial Fibrillation and Orange juice...

Post by site351 » Mon Mar 01, 2010 10:14 am

bbtri....I appreciate those links... did anyone look at the dates
on the articles? Orange juice and Antenolol...2005... and the other
dated 1999. OJ may block the effects of some beta-blockers but
its benefits far exceed this one downside. 5-10 year old info.
and most Doctors don't mention it to their patients.....or don't know
it. I just couldn't figure out why some days I felt O.K. and others I
couldn't walk across the room at times ? Of all the Doctors I've
talked to....not one said anything about fruit juices, potassium, etc.
This is the 4th day in a row I've felt like my heart is half-way
under's amazing, simply amazing. A glass of OJ in the
morning and one at night. The Docs did say I have no blockage....
and I mentioned I take alot of Vitamin C....they don't know what I'm
talking about. I don't think any of them know about the vitamin and
Chelation. I'm actually going to try and wean off the beta-blocker
and see what happens....slowly. I can't begin to tell you what a
relief this is for me....I just hope this irregular heartbeat is gone for
awhile....I sure hope so.....

Johnwen.....I just saw where you posted.... I will read and reply
after a short break....thanks....

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Re: Atrial Fibrillation and Orange juice...

Post by site351 » Mon Mar 01, 2010 12:50 pm

Johnwen....I printed out the second article.....I've started a
thread on 2 others sites concerning this and have not received
one reply. I'm am very excited I may have found the cause of
this condition. I'm holding my breath and hoping those days are
gone. I always had the feeling something else was causing my
Afib......if it is low blood sugar....maybe at least now I can control
it. What ever the case....OJ is now my favorite drink.... :wink:


Re: Atrial Fibrillation and Orange juice...

Post by godsilove » Tue Mar 02, 2010 1:37 pm

site351 wrote:Johnwen....I printed out the second article.....I've started a
thread on 2 others sites concerning this and have not received
one reply. I'm am very excited I may have found the cause of
this condition. I'm holding my breath and hoping those days are
gone. I always had the feeling something else was causing my
Afib......if it is low blood sugar....maybe at least now I can control
it. What ever the case....OJ is now my favorite drink.... :wink:

You might want to get yourself checked out to see if you're having episodes of hypoglycemia. It sounds to me like this is a likely explanation because of the instantaneous effect. Potassium in general is good for you, but OJ doesn't have super high amounts of it and I doubt it would have an instantaneous effect.

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Re: Atrial Fibrillation and Orange juice...

Post by site351 » Tue Mar 02, 2010 3:03 pm

I've been going to the V.A. the last 8 years....and hate to
say it ....but if I had any kind of Diabetes....they wouldn't
mention it. I think its an automatic disability...not sure.
At any wasn't a good day. I thought I drank
enough juice but I found myself leaning on walls again. I
do plan on getting checked for low blood sugar...but as I
read some the articles it could be one of 3 or 4 things. The
Antenolol works most of the time during the day but fizzles
out sometimes. I did feel better after the OJ the last few days
but not so well today. I can feel those feelings come over me and
just have to turn away from folks and go hide for a few minutes..
It is not fun living like this

thanks for you input....I'm making a list and going to the Doctor asap

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Re: Atrial Fibrillation and Orange juice...

Post by Johnwen » Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:17 pm

Ok lets make sure your doing this right!
Don't take your meds with the OJ
wait 2-4 hours. OJ inteferes with the absorbsion of the meds.

In fact you might want to wait till you feel an episode coming on then take the juice.

Are you taking your VC spread over the day and not all at once?

If you have a BP checker, check and record your BP take this record with you to the docs.

Document the time of day you eat, briefly what you ate and the time after or before you have your episodes.

Don't stop your meds or adjust the dose till you get checked out.<This is a must.

When you go for your blood test hold off on the VC That day till after they draw the blood.
This can give a false positive you want a accurate reading.

This will give your doc a good idea of whats going on and answer a lot of questions he will have for you. GOOD LUCK!
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