Looking for suggests for Heart Leak/Murmur

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Looking for suggests for Heart Leak/Murmur

Post by ofonorow » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:37 am

Last year my heart and circulation was like a 29 year old. And in the last year I had a lot of stress and now I have a heart murmur going in for further investigation. WTF. Doc says I probably have a leak, no cure, no way to reverse. Stress does that much damage, irreversible, says it is probably small leak.

They do call vitamin C the "stress hormone."

How much vitamin C are you and have you been taking?

Since you seem to have no options or an orthodox remedy, you have nothing to lose by trying Pauling's nutritional therapy. Please keep us informed.

I've recenlty answered a similar question at our forum,

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Looking for suggests for Heart Leak/Murmur

Post by Johnwen » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:35 pm

The two big questions!!
1.) How Old is this person now?
2.) Have they gained or lost weight during this time period?

I agree this person needs to start PT Asap! Plus Niacin 1000mg per day.
Stop any kind of Mineral Supplements including Multi V's with minerals till they get a diagnoses of the cause of the Murmur.
To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is


Re: Looking for suggests for Heart Leak/Murmur

Post by sammath » Fri Feb 25, 2011 4:45 am

I am 50 years old, I go in and out of great shape physically, I am guilty of being too emotional, in the last year like many I was hit with financial difficulties and experienced them in the wrong way, very upset. There now appears to be a murmur, small, that my doctor wants to run a sonogram on, after listening, he states I hear it all the time, sounds like a small leak? lucky me says I have a hernia too, geez so this is what its like, getting older, hell im ok, good shape, really 5'11" 180 to 186 in the winter. I weigh 186 some people said I looked very skinny last year, but I dont think I lost a lot of weight, I was in decent shape, made it to 60 laps in the pool in the summer, I can run 3-5 miles, right now im only at 2.5 slow running though. I did skate two days ago for an hour and 15 mins, next day very light headed, light headed after skating. Burining sensation in the heart area, suffer from heart burn no doubt, but now the burn is right in the heart, sharp pain slight when I lay or lie down, like a shock but just occaisionally once or twice a night as I watch tv in bed just before I sleep. Gonna get checked out on the 9th sonnagram. In meantime I get plenty of rest, plenty of problems and still upset from time to time, but will continue to exercise very lightly, take regime, and calm down.

For now I am on the regime here as per the book, taking the C 4g and Lysine1-2g in increments 3 times a day and the argine, taurine, proline, keep missing those, hard inbetween meals , along with K2 150 mg , niacin flush 100 mg, chlorophyll, vitamin E with selenium, magnesium, oils, omega brite fish 3-4 a day, uddos omega 3-6-9 flax organic oil, A B stress vitamin, D3 one tablet a day,


Re: Looking for suggests for Heart Leak/Murmur

Post by DonHarry » Fri Feb 25, 2011 8:05 am

For now I am on the regime here as per the book, taking the C 4g and Lysine1-2g in increments 3 times a day and the argine, taurine, proline, keep missing those, hard inbetween meals , along with K2 150 mg , niacin flush 100 mg, chlorophyll, vitamin E with selenium, magnesium, oils, omega brite fish 3-4 a day, uddos omega 3-6-9 flax organic oil, A B stress vitamin, D3 one tablet a day

It might be wise to increase your ascorbate intake beyond 4 grams a day. 4 grams per day is more maintainence than therapeutic. How well do you tolerate ascorbate? Generally your dosages of supplements seems rather on the low side so it may also be worth increasing those as well.

Magnesium is a relatively overlooked supplement, and in terms of general health its worth taking a good form of it. Perhaps you would benefit from taking a magnesium citrate supplement in isolation, rather than the combination pill you are currently on. I tend to find combination pills use inferior forms. Just a thought. *Edit* Just realised you take an isolated magnesium supp, I misread, apologies. Citrate is the best form however, so still a fair point.

Also, how much Vit A and D are you taking? Do you live somewhere sunny? I'd probably get hold of a good B Complex as well, just to cover all the bases really.

Suggesting something specifically for your pathology at the moment would be easier with a concrete diagnosis. A transoesphageal echocardiogram would be useful in detecting a leak. A cardiac MRI might also be useful.

As a point of interest, what is your diet like?


Re: Looking for suggests for Heart Leak/Murmur

Post by sammath » Fri Feb 25, 2011 10:12 am

taking bluebonnet Magnesium. Working on bumping up the Vitamin C taking a time release 1000 mg, 2 in am with breakfast, 1 at lunch and 1 at dinner, will bump up to 2 at lunch today, and in couple days will bump up to the 2 at dinner for a total of 6g per day. I will follow with the lysine as well. With all the other nutrients kind of reluctant to throw more at my body than I am already. A lot of pills here.

Diet is a balanced diet in the sense of me. . I eat everything, except junk, and processed foods. . With the exception of hams, and that I eat little of too.
Yesterday, Breakfast 3 eggs boiled, with whole wheat, whole grain bread with honey, grapes, yogart, whole milk yogart organic stony field.
Lunch, Tuna salad, vinigrette dressing, mustard, lots of olives, love em, good for fighting cancer cells did you know that they hate olives, ,

Dinner, bad, ham and cheese sandwich with ketchup. 2 beers.

This morining, had Bear Non Granola with whole milk yogart organic, wheat toast forgot my raisins.

Lunch will have black bean soup with sour cream.

Dinner probably sushi tonight or Italian food, pasta with marinara sauce. Pizza on the side.

My problem is I have stressed out the heart way too much in my life, could never get where life was peaceful until the last couple years but then boom now I am back again in a stressful situation, oddly I had a stressful moment again today, more bad news and could feel like needling in the heart area.

Family has history of heart problems too, 2 grandfathers died from heart attacks,but they smoked, a lot, and worked a lot more but the dealing of stress is very, very poor on my end. Oddly I have gone back and forth with health physically fit, doing yoga,, running, swimming, but then get into these ruts occaisionally where I dont keep up, Ill go a week without exercise then exercise irregularly maybe once or twice a week for a period of months, And then I get back, increasing my strength etc. .

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Re: Looking for suggests for Heart Leak/Murmur

Post by Johnwen » Sat Feb 26, 2011 8:55 am

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is


Re: Looking for suggests for Heart Leak/Murmur

Post by sammath » Sat Feb 26, 2011 12:49 pm

Bruits? or did you mean bruises,

On the listening in part around the right side, no he did not, I go back the 9th for sonogram, they check flow to the brain too somehow, so we will see then, guess I should pursue the check ups and not ignore any more.
Oh well sounds rather gloomy. So I am on the road to heart surgery, hell I cant even begin to imagine someone cracking open my chest for such a thing, Jesus at 50, its not like I have been drinkning and smoking like a sailor, wow guess the stress all these years just did me in, and all that fish oil and working out for nothing.


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Re: Looking for suggests for Heart Leak/Murmur

Post by ofonorow » Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:05 pm

I highly respect the opinion of our esteemed johnwen and his educated guess here, all without knowing you. For someone not suffering the problem, it was very educational. But I think (unless you are in the 5 to 10% with the congenital defect) that following the Pauling therapy, and especially with the addition of vitamin K (especially a good K2) there is hope that you can avoid surgery. Vitamin K has a property that can move calcium from soft tissues into bones (in combination with C, D, A vitamins, etc.) I am thinking that maybe the calcium can be nutritionally cleared from the valve (although this affect is unknown and only a guess on my part.) And of course the fish oil wasn't a "waste" if you were born with the bad valve.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Looking for suggests for Heart Leak/Murmur

Post by Johnwen » Sat Feb 26, 2011 5:23 pm

It is not my intent to scare or upset you in anyway and until your physician has made a confirmed diagnosis only consider it as a possibility what may be causing your problem.

Sammath don't take this as Gospel there could be other things causing this. As I said "A possibility!" Once you had all your tests done then you know for sure what the problem is till then try and maintain a healthy lifestyle and a positive attitude.

Owen: I agree if it's caught early enough and the damage to the cusps is small a reversal is possible but when it gets to the point where it starts interfering with the flow of blood there's so many different forms of debris that forms on the valves it's hard to figure out what to start removing and whats going to cause problems down stream. If it could be caught when the person is pre teen and start on PT with K2 and D and niacin continuously they could live a lifetime with a Bicuspid valve and clean coronary artery's.
Some of the things that have been found on these valves.
Solidified lipids, dead Bacteria, parasites, tendon formations,blood clots, bone and teeth fragments, pus, Hair, heavy metals (lead, arsenic) etc.
When blood gets swooshed around you'd be surprised what comes out of it :mrgreen:
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