Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote (Cortisol!)

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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by Johnwen » Sat Feb 04, 2012 5:35 am

You could try Oil of Oregano which you can get at most health food stores. Read label and make sure it's made from vulgare variety and has at least a 70% cavacrol rating. In your case I would say to get the liquid form which has an eye dropper type dispenser and drop it on your teeth areas a little drink of water and swish it around before swallowing. Although reg. medicine don't believe it's benefits it's been known for centuries for it's anti-biotic properties.
The one that caught my attention on your blood list was the "Ochrobactrun Anthropi" commonly called O-Ant. is what is known as a "dirty needle bug," this bac. is usually caused by people who use hypodermic needles more then once or share needle's for shooting drugs. It's also water borne so if a Iv solution is mixed with unsterile water it is also a possibility. In the lower area a unsterile cather can be the problem. In the mouth if a shot of novacaine is shot in an infected area and then shoot in another area it will transfer the bug over to that side also. These are the possibility's. Just info I'll leave it to you on how it got there??? Easy fix "Ceftriaxone" 7 days.
As far as your New Toy I've been carrying one for two years can take a persons temp in 2 seconds and spot an injury/infection before they can talk about it. My favorite question asked of me is "How did you know where it hurts??" also haven't touched anything hot it the same time frame. If it might be Hot, shoot it first and then touch it!!!
Seriously your at a point were something needs to be done!! I hope your docs do.
I would still get a C. immitis antibody test done for Coccidioidomycosis as I still believe this is the underlying problem, but time will tell.
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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by ofonorow » Sun Feb 05, 2012 3:31 am

Johnwen, thank you for the antibiotic suggestions! Looks like Ceftriaxone, (like Merrem and imipenem)
requires and IV? As I remember, I was in hospital for 10 days in late July and then took an oral antibiotic for 4 weeks,
felt okay, but then 3 weeks after stopping, back in the hospital! I am guessing that antibiotics cannot get
to these "pockets" of infection, so dealing with any remaining pockets around my teeth is my first priority.

Love your oregano idea! My alt. doc had a similar idea using a kind of plastic mold over the teeth,
with enough room for gauze pads - that he could put MMS (Chlorite) on the gauze pads for the same reason -
to reach the teeth. I am going to try both.

In the meantime, what do you think of ampicillin for the two active active/bright infections -
Pm - Parvimonas micra (active/bright)
Co - Capnocytophaga ochracea (active - post op blood))

I now have a prescription for 500 mg oral 4 X daily based on this paper - studying antibiotic effectiveness to multiple colonies,

My two most active strains Co-Pm showed a higher susceptibility to ampicillin, linezolid and moxifloxacin
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by Johnwen » Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:15 am

ampicillin at the doseage they have you on maybe effective it's a good broad spectrum anti-B. Which is good since you have a wide variety of Gram - and Gram + bugs running around. Example being your Blood list of the 8 listed 3 are gram + and 5 are gram -. This is off the top of my head but if I remeber correctly for dental type broad spectrum infections doxycycline was the anti-B of choise don't do much dental work except flossing so I'll have to crack a book later and see if my brain is still working. I will say be religious on your dosing set up a time to take your Amp and try to stick to it within a 1/2 hour. Expect a run to the Bathroom at that doseage but don't stop unless it get's severe then contact your doc. If not "Your Lucky!!"
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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by ofonorow » Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:32 am

Thanks for the advice! (I have been more gassy than usual, but no runs to the bathroom yet.)

I have the oregano oil that meets your specs on order.

I may not have mentioned here that when on the metronidazole, after the dental work, my tonsil
was still sore. I decided to cut off a third of the pill, put it in a baggy and turned it into a powder. I applied
some of the powder directly to my tonsils. I put the rest in with DMSO and applied it to
the back of my neck (where the toxic explosion apparently originated.). I did this 2
or 3 times, at the times of my normal oral dosing.

My tonsil pain went away after that. No way to know if that is the reason why, but it makes
sense to apply these things directly to the infected area (as in your oregano idea.)

I also received the books on Adrenal Fatigue/Cortisol. I have started to reduce my prenelizone,
and the author recommends "adrenal cortisol extracts." He claims that these animal extracts were
commonly used for "adrenal fatigue" before the advent of synthetic cortizone (e.g. prednizone.)
And unlike the synthetics, can actually help the adrenals regain their function.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by Johnwen » Mon Feb 06, 2012 4:28 pm

I got a couple of questions for you about your lab reports.
1. Are these people legit. Ie: Do they REALLY know what their Doing???
2. Have you been contacted by the CDC yet???
3. Has your Doc actually went thru these Lists??
I mean I only went through the list with 44 items and knew about 10 opened the book on the rest and fell off my chair!
Asked ID doc he knew about 30. He want's to know if this was a soil sample from King Tut's tomb they were testing or something else!!
Some of these are REAL BAD ACTORS!!!
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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by ofonorow » Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:56 am

Good question! (Under one of the wiki articles, when looking up these bacteria myself, I read that one pathogen "would make a good candidate for a biological weapon!?!" So I guess the theory that I have been infected with a bioweapon is still on the table. :-)

Of course the last time I mentioned this, the next day I was locked out of the forum!

I have seen both Chris Shade, PHD and Dr. Hall Hugins lecture in person at the mercury (Diane Meyers) lecture a couple of years ago. Huggins had slides listing all of of the hundreds of pathogenic bacteria they had found in root canals.

But although it looks like Huggins owns a web domain, there is no web site re: this lab and these reports, and so far, very little info.

They seem to be flying under the radar. (I gather this poses a threat to orthodox
dentistry - knocking root canals.) I will ask my dentist for more info when I see her tomorrow.

In the meantime I heard about this "bacteria eater" at my alt. clinic - from another patient - I cannot wait! Painlessly disinfects mouth bacteria!

p.s. Regarding the DNA lab, found some references to the lab, e.g. bottom of page 36 of this PDF - huggins lecture on Dental DNA lab..

and this article

so i gather this is all pretty new - 2011 Huggins started lecturing about this lab, and its use to legally protect holistic dentists.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by Saw » Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:56 pm

Dr.Kennedy recommends Iodine to kill dental bacteria, as antibiotics don't get into the saliva.

Check out this video if you want to see the little buggers in action
Even a Blind Squirrel makes his own vitamin C.

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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by Johnwen » Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:45 pm

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by ofonorow » Wed Feb 08, 2012 3:08 am

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by ofonorow » Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:31 am

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by ofonorow » Thu Mar 01, 2012 7:27 am

More on the never ending saga...

If this all does turn out to be because my tonsils have turned "bad" (as Dr. Levy suspects, I am going to write a book!)

Will know soon as am lined up to see Ear/Nose/Throat regarding tonsils.

Brilliant I. D. doc has ruled out everything except teeth, tonsils and ulcerative colitis (my high RA factor apparently triggered this thought, and a pattern matching program does match U. C.)

For the record - felt great on Ampicilin - 2 days after last pill. Bamb! Fever over 102 last Saturday. Tonsils again on fire.

(ID Doc thought it might have bee flu. However, when he gave me AMOX-CLAV - 1 hour after first pill Monday afternoon, fever broke??)

Maybe a string in a long string of coincidences - or may be my tonsils are the seats of hell!
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by ofonorow » Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:26 am

Link from Dr. Bush

Watch these UTube videoclips and be very concerned.

They cannot deny the pH changes in the soil and the fact that my recent illness that almost killed me was cured
exactly as the IAHF' John Hammell predicted - by MSM with its power to detoxify nanoparticulate aluminium and
recover the barrier function of the endothelial lining of he GI tract.

I feel I owe my life to IAHF's John Hammell ...

...Hammell had cured my abdominal cramps that made me almost suicidal on New Year's Eve, actually stopping me breathing - which he had been powerless to prevent. .... Vitamin C wlil also be needed to offset the bacteriological danger now known to exist. Hammell has performed a massive service which needs to be recognized.

The end of the video offers a very plausible reason why the military might be experimenting with high altitude metal particulates. Bush and I are very high vitamin C takers - which may be a clue why others around us are not affected as much.

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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by ofonorow » Wed Apr 04, 2012 3:56 am

Tonsils out. Surgery went well. Surgeon surprised by an abscess behind (within) the right tonsil. (They looked fine from the outside.) Sent abscess material out to be cultured. Dr. Levy predicting this will be the end of my infection problems and my high Rheumatoid factor. I am anxious to find out and for my next RA factor measurement.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by Jacquie » Wed Apr 04, 2012 5:57 am

ofonorow wrote:Tonsils out. Surgery went well.

Great! Hopefully this was the source of the problem, and you can get well now.

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Re: Another Lypo-C Beats Viral Infection(s) Anecdote

Post by ofonorow » Tue Apr 17, 2012 2:55 am

Well, it might be too soon to know for sure, but I think the ordeal is over. I feel really good (other than the induced Rheumatoid Arthritis from the high steroid/prednizone IV during my second hospital stay!? More on this below..)

With the tonsils out, the jaw/tooth cavitations cleaned/sanitized, I believe I have gotten rid of the source of infection.

And I have learned what Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) really is.

RA is an insufficiency or lack of the endogenous hormone cortisol. Period.

My problems began not long after my half-brother Mike Till passed away last year, and were undoubtedly exaggerated due to my adrenals starting to fatigue. I must have lost at least some of my ability to make endogenous cortisol, probalby from stress of the constant infection combined with my brothers death.

I was fortunate to meet a few days ago face-to-face with a world expert on RA (who I won't name unless he allows me to.) He confirmed this to me - that my intuition is correct about my body simply not making cortisol. This expert is very well known, has authored more than 400 scientific papers, and knows this disease backward and forward. He controlled his patients RA for 25 years in his private practice - using low dose prednizone and methotrexate.

First thing to realize is that prednizone and methyl prednosolone are analogs of cortisol. I think this is kept secret from the medical profession. The other thing to realize is that the array of bad side effects are real - but only for high doses, like the ones original prescribed for arthritis decades ago (> 60 mgs). The bad effects are little different than if someone was under chronic stress and continually produced abnormally high dosages of endogenous cortisol.

However, for low doses, not only is prednizone safe, but it has many beneficial effects (such as strengthening bones, improving memory, etc.). Exactly the opposite of what most doctors are taught to believe. So, as in the Pauling Therapy - dosage is everything. The medical literature simply warns about side effects, without distinguishing those caused by higher dosages, and it fails to mention how safe low doses of cortisol are, and how important they are for people like me (with RA) who are apparently not making it endogenously any more.

When this expert spoke to me, he told me that the adrenal glands normally make 3-9 mg of cortisol in prednizone equivalence. (Prednizone is an analog and about 4 times more potent than cortisol). I had found out by trial and error that I can completely eliminate all RA symptoms with 8 mg of methyl prednisolone.

I asked him why they simply don't diagnose RA based on endogenous cortisol. He told that it has been tried many times, but it is too difficult and expensive to measure cortisol, and that the "normal" range seems to vary by a great deal. He said it might take as much as a month to determine the baseline cortisol. (I know from my own experience that it would be almost impossible to be "off" prednizone from more than a few days, much less a month.)

He also explained that dosages less than 5 mg have no effect on adrenal function (won't turn off the adrenals) and he was able to wean his patients down to 1 mg to 5 mg daily.

He thought 8 was high, and told me how to wean down over time to 5 mg or less.

It is easy to titrate because when you have none - every part of the body hurts. When you have "enough" - you feel absolutely fine.

I notice from his paper that no patient got to zero mg of prednizone in 25 years of practice - which means full adrenal function never returns, at least w/cortisol.

I've learned a lot about inflammation, etc. and may write an article. For example, your body's immune system is always on. Cortisol is the regulator. When you have no cortisol, the inflammation rages out of control! This is full blown Rheumatoid Arthritis. (The expert confirmed this also).

My tonsil experience was something. (Fortunately I was able to get extra prednizone from the surgeon.) The pain was excruciating - but not from where the tonsils were removed, but from the back of the throat that takes pressure when swallowing. I finally realized that the narcotic pain pills had little effect, and the I could only control the pain with prednizone. There are implications, but I will relate them in the article.

My problem is finding a doctor who will prescribe life-time prednizone, because they are ALL brainwashed. (That is why I reached out to this expert. Time will tell, but if I don't get a prescription, I am thinking law suit!!!)
Owen R. Fonorow
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