Got new VAP labs back-not good

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

Moderator: ofonorow

Posts: 139
Joined: Sun Dec 05, 2010 2:53 pm

Re: Got new VAP labs back-not good

Post by Cobraman » Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:22 pm

I have been tested twice for Lp(a), at 2 months and at 7 months. Test went from 14 to 12. One should normally wait 12 hours after eating or taking any supplement to test liver function. Last test only 1 hour because was testing other things. Will retest only liver enzymes this time w/ the 12 hour wait. It wasn't that high,but I would rather be safe and have good baseline numbers. Have noticed a sharp increase in bowel tolerance since taking low dose aspirin. Up from 10000mg to aprox.13000mg as you and I would have expected. Taking all of this into consideration. Will also keep the glutathione in mind if levels turn up high. Thanks.
ofonorow wrote:Yes - lp(a) binding inhibitors are said to turn sticky Lp(a) into teflon - as they fill the lysine and proline binding sites.

How often to you measure Lp(a)? We have a time frame of 6 to 14 months when at least one person's went to zero with that much proline.

My liver enzymes were slightly elevated

Why not start liposomal GSH - in case low glutathione is the cause of the elevated enzymes?

Glutathione (GSH) is the major detoxification molecule in all cells, and the liver is the bodies major detoxification organ. While studying Life Extension's position on acetaminophen (Tylenol) which is the number one cause of acute liver failure in the USA, found that Life Extension scientists "thinking outside the box" are convinced that acetaminophen depletes GSH in liver cells, and that this is the reason liver cells die causing liver failure.

Other drugs may also be toxic to the liver for the same reason - depleting intracellular GSH,

And thanks to environmental and other science, we know that there are only two reliable ways to increase intra-cellular GSH via supplementation. 1) with vitamin C, and 2) with liposomal GSH. (Ordinary GSH, even IV, in the blood does not enter cells.)

Posts: 139
Joined: Sun Dec 05, 2010 2:53 pm

Re: Got new VAP labs back-not good

Post by Cobraman » Fri Aug 05, 2011 3:32 pm

Ok, experiment over. Got labs back. Lp(a) stayed at 12 w/ one low dose aspirin a day. Perhaps got all I could w/ taking niacin. Will no longer take the aspirin and will continue w/ Pauling Therapy.

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