"Absolutely Stunning",
"Biggest Development in Cardiology this Century",
"Should Rock Every Cardiologist..."
- Talk Show Host Jeff Rense
5 minutes Excerpt from Owen's First Rense Interview on Dr. Bush's CardioRetinometry®.
Practicing Medicine Without A License
Owen Fonorow's First Nationwide Radio Interview with Jeff Rense (May 22, 2008)
or Show Via Youtube Playlist
or Owen's Entire First Nationwide Radio Interview on Rense, May 22, 2008 (Streaming Windows Media)
Listen to Carol Smith and Carol 2
Second National Interview with Jeff Rense (August 14, 2008)
or Second Show via Youtube Playlist
or Listen to Carol 2 and Carol Smith on second Jeff Rense National Radio Show (Aug 14, 2008) (Streaming Windows Media)
Technology Hour Interviews
Owen Fonorow: Vitamin C Heart DiseasePart 1. Taped May 03, 2003, American Freedom Network
(7:48 History/Willis)
Segment 2.(14:41 Chronic Scurvy)
Segment 3.(8:49 HeartTechnology Formula/Recent Scientific Support)
Segment 4.(6:56 Blocking Vitamin K Calcifies Arteries)
Segment 5.(7:48 Statin Drugs and Eye Damage)
Part 2. Taped May 11, 2003
(7:53 Unified Theory)
Segment 2.(14:47 Proline/Polio/SARS)
Segment 3.(8:56 Missing Stress Hormone)
Segment 4.(7:05 Intra Arterial Radiation Danger)
Segment 5.(4:39 Tower HeartTechnology)
Pauling Therapy Success Stories and Owen's Book...
Trivia Question:What happens to medical doctors who administer vitamins to patients?
Answer: They lose their licenses!
Warren Levin was the first "holistic" M.D. in New York City, in that he
was the first to prescribe and sell vitamins at his practice.
For this "crime" New York attempted to revoke Dr. Levin's medical
license. Included in this audio description of events, is a wonderful
mention of how Linus Pauling came to the aid of Dr. Levin while
testifying before the New York Medical board.
1993 Dr. Levin made a 37 minute audio telling the story about his then decades-long fight with the New York Medical board over the right to prescribe vitamins and administer chelation therapy to his patients. New York was trying to revoke his license to practice medicine. No harm to any patient was ever alleged. His crime? Administering vitamins. This audio was made to help him raise money for his legal defense fund.
Introduction - 1 Minute
Summation - 1 Minute
Dr. Levin's Entire 37 Minutes
When Americans listen to Dr. Levin, realize that Dr. Levin is but one medical doctor who dared prescribe vitamins. This is not an isolated story. Hundreds of other doctors have been attacked by their state medical boards in the same manner and have similar horror stories.
These audio recordings are the same file in different formats, and one or another should download and be playable by windows media player or other similar software.
If you are on blood pressure medications, just listen to the two short 1 minute cuts.
The long audio includes Dr. Levin's account of the efforts that Linus Pauling made in his behalf. Linus flew to New York at his own expense to give five hours of testimony in support of Dr. Levin, only to be ignored in the medical board's decision to revoke Levin's license because Pauling's testimony was .not germane.. Why? Because Linus Pauling was not a medical doctor..
After this period that ended in 1994, Congress passed DSHEA, and for a time our right to vitamins was protected, at least in the USA. But we must be vigilant as I sense the effort to erode our freedoms and persecute alternatives is again on the rise.
"Complete control of Heart Disease..."
Two More Case Studies
Pauling's Vitamin C and Lysine Recommendations for Heart Disease
What Linus Pauling knew about vitamin C that others did not
Two minutes from the Linus Pauling Memorial (1994)
What Linus Pauling knew about vitamin C that others did not (Windows Media)
"By the early 1950s, Pauling felt that he had discovered the essentials of life at the molecular level. He was ready for something new."
Robert Cathcart,III, MD Lecture on IVC
Part I - Instructions on the Preparation of Vitamin C for I.V. Use. Written instructions to accompany the video by Robert Cathcart III, MD,
Cathcart's IV Prep Lecture Youtube Video (Edited/Best) @ youtube
Part II - Titrating Oral Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) to Bowel Tolerance.
This is the paper to accompany Part II (Titrating to Bowel Tolerance) by Robert Cathcart III, MD, Part III - Rationale for the Use of High-Dose Ascorbate...
This is the paper to accompany Part II by nonrate by Robert Cathcart III, MD.
Dr. Thomas Levy Video Clips
Dr David Brownstein on Iodine
Brownstein excerpts on Iodine, Mercury, Cancer and Detox
Other Video Formats Iodine and Iodide Basics (Old Real Player)
Eleven minutes from a David Brownstein lecture on Natural Hormones and Iodine.
Video 3:
Iodine Detox
Ten minutes from a
David Brownstein
lecture on Natural Hormones and Iodine.
This video is the third of several short clips of Dr. Brownstein on the value of Iodine supplementation.
Video 2: Iodine Deficiency and the Link to Breast and Prostate Cancer
Twelve minutes from a David Brownstein lecture on Natural Hormones and Iodine.
This video discusses Dr. Brownstein's observations on the value of Iodine supplementation with relation to cystic breast disease and to breast and prostate cancer.
Video I: Iodine is a Chelator of Mercury
Three minutes from a David Brownstein lecture on Natural Hormones and Iodine.
This video is the first of several short clips of Dr. Brownstein on the value of Iodine supplementation.