A Department of Defense News Release No. 540-0 of 25 Oct 2001 states that The Pentagon is seeking ideas on combating terrorism.

In response to this request, Archie Kalokerinos, MD, and Ian Dettman, PhD, wish to offer information regarding the treatment of conditions arising from the following :

We will be suggesting the use of very high doses of Vitamin C, orally or intravenously, to prevent and treat the effects of terrorist activities meant to put our health, our lives, our culture, and even our species at risk.


Vitamin C not only has the chemical ability to directly chelate many toxic chemicals and microbial toxins (including exotoxins and endotoxins), it also has the ability to prevent much of the associated free radical and other toxic damage. (Hwi K. et al., 1965; Klenner F., 1971; Lurie J., 1965; Dey P., 1966; Ormerod M., 1937; Otani T., 1936 and 1939)


Many of the problems associated with radiation are initiated by free radical reactions. The initial step in the control of free radicals involves Vitamin C. We've had extensive experience in the use of Vitamin C in the prevention and treatment of adverse side effects following the use of therapeutic doses of radiation and have found significant benefits. (Shapiro B., et al., 1965 and 1967; Cathcart R., 1981)


News reports state that asbestos "dust" is a problem for those involved in removal of rubble at the site of "ground zero" in New York City. Twenty-five years ago Dr Kalokerinos, while investigating asbestosis in Australia, observed that some tissues (in patients who had contact with asbestos) contained asbestos fibers surrounded by iron granules. A literature search since that time suggests that the iron may be responsible for free-radical reactions that later lead to cancer. Although this matter has not been resolved, it's possible that the routine use of antioxidants, including Vitamin C, may prevent, or inhibit, the development of cancer following asbestos contact.


Prof. Stephen Hawking

In a 16 Oct 2001 interview with The Telegraph (UK), Prof. Stephen Hawking, the world's best known cosmologist, says that biology, rather than physics, presents the biggest challenge to human survival. "Although 11 Sept 2001 was horrible, it didn't threaten the survival of the human race. . . In the long term, I'm more worried about biology (where) genetic engineering can be done in a small (unregulated) lab. The danger is that, by accident or by design, we create a virus that destroys us. I don't think the human race will survive . . unless we spread into space. There are too many accidents that can befall life on a single planet." (See: )


For many years we've had extensive experience in the treatment of viral infections using Vitamin C orally and intravenously. For severe infections, intravenous Vitamin C in massive doses is recommended. When used in the early stages, the benefits are often dramatic. These benefits decrease as the disease progresses because tissue damage may become irreversible. We've found that chicken pox, measles, hepatitis, and other common viral infections, respond well to the use of Vitamin C. We thus expect similar results with rare diseases such as smallpox, Ebola virus, and plague. During the past 35 years we've conducted extensive clinical and literature research concerning the association between infections (viral and bacterial), coagulation/bleeding disturbances, and Vitamin C. This leads us to conclude that with the Ebola virus, in particular, intravenous Vitamin C should be used. (Klenner, 1949, 1951, 1953, 1954 and 1971)


Anthrax occurs in one of four forms:
  1. Cutaneous affecting the skin
  2. Inhalation affecting the lungs
  3. Gastro-intestinal affecting stomach and intestines
  4. Oro-pharyngeal affecting the mouth and throat
So far in the USA only the cutaneous and inhalation forms have been diagnosed in the recent terrorist attacks. Although antibiotics are reasonably effective in killing the anthrax bacterium in general, they have little effect on the toxin (poison) produced by the bacillus. (Bhatnagar, et al., 2001; Brossier et al., 2001)

Vitamin C megadose therapy has been extensively documented to rapidly resolve a number of non-viral infectious diseases. These include:

  1. Diphtheria (Klenner, 1949 and 1971)
  2. Whooping cough (Otani, 1936 and 1939; Ormerod, et al., 1937)
  3. Tetanus (Klenner, 1954).
All three of these infections involve bacteria that produce toxins (as does anthrax). Jungeblut and Zwemer (1935) found that Vitamin C inactivated diphtheria toxin in the test tube AND protected guinea pigs against the fatal outcome of being injected with otherwise fatal doses of tetanus toxin. Dey (1966) showed that enough injected Vitamin C would completely protect rats from otherwise fatal doses of tetanus toxin.

So here we have a therapeutic (Vitamin C) that not only has the potential to kill the anthrax microbe, but should also neutralize the toxin. But, having said this, it is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL to deliver sufficient Vitamin C to have the expected beneficial therapeutic effect.

Klenner (1971) would give an initial dose as high as 700mg of sodium ascorbate per kg of body weight, which could exceed 70 grams for a large man. He would repeat this high dose in a few hours if there was no drop in fever or a clear clinical improvement. In the absence of an MD to administer an intravenous injection, massive amounts may be taken orally as described by Cathcart (1981) - this may involve consuming up to several hundred grams of Vitamin C during a single day (sodium ascorbate, I.V. or orally, or, in those who can tolerate it, ascorbic acid, orally only).


The above facts have been described and verified over the last 66 years!! Do we need to re-invent the wheel? It's not as if the physicians and scientists who have observed and published these facts in reputable journals about Vitamin C are without credibility! We therefore believe serious consideration should be given to the use of Vitamin C (orally and intravenously) as prevention and treatment in a wide range of chemical and biological insults.

Many studies on the role of megadose Vitamin C have been performed over the decades, but the doses have ALWAYS been too small. We highly recommend reading Klenner (1971) and Cathcart (1981) before taking a stand on the usefulness of MEGAdose Vitamin C therapy in treating a whole range of biological, chemical, and radiation induced diseases that threaten our modern civilization. The threat is now very real - and potential life-saving therapies can no longer be ignored merely for reasons of politics, profit, or tenure. Our country's very existence is at stake.

We should point out that the various terrorist organizations, even having nuclear or chemical weapons, only have the capability of killing several million people. On the other hand, a modest amount of a potent biological weapon can replicate and, in short order, spread worldwide, killing hundreds of millions, or even billions of people. At a price of less than ½ cent per gram of Vitamin C, the USA lacks only the knowledge and courage to protect its citizens using an "alternative" method that the AMA and the pharmaceutical companies will reject even in times of emergency and great national risk.

For further information please contact Archie Kalokerinos MD, or Ian Dettman, PhD, by emailing:


Bhatnagar, R. and Batra S. (2001) "Anthrax Toxin" in Critical Reviews in Microbiology 27(3): 167-200.

Brossier, F. and Mock M. (2001) " Toxins of Bacillus Anthracis" in Toxicon: Official Journal of the International Society on Toxicology 39(11): 1747-1755.

Cathcart, R. (1981) "Vitamin C, Titrating to Bowel Tolerance, Anascorbemia and Acute Induced Scurvy" in Medical Hypothesis 7(11): 1359-1376.

Dey, P. (1966) "Efficacy of Vitamin C in Counteracting Tetanus Toxicity" in Naturwissenschaften 53(12):310.

Hwi, K. et al, (1965) "A Study of Therapeutic Effect of Large Dosages of Injected Ascorbic Acid on the Depression of the Central Nervous System as in Acute Poisoning due to Barbiturates", Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica (Peking), vol 12:pp764-765.

Jungeblut, C. and Zwemer R. (1935) "Inactivation of Diphtheria Toxin in vivo and in vitro by Crystalline Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)" in Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 32: 1229-1234.

Klenner, F. (1949) "The Treatment of Poliomyelitis and other Virus Diseases with Vitamin C", Southern Medicine & Surgery, 111(7):209-214.

Klenner, F. (1951) "Massive Doses of Vitamin C and the Virus Diseases", Southern Medicine & Surgery, 103(4):101-107.

Klenner, F. (1953) "The Use of Vitamin C as an Antibiotic", Journal of Applied Nutrition, 6:274-278.

Klenner, F. (1954) "Recent Discoveries in the Treatment of Lockjaw with Vitamin C and Tolserol", Tri-State Medical Journal, pp7-11.

Klenner, F. (1971) "Observations on the Dose and Administration of Ascorbic Acid when Employed Beyond the Range of a Vitamin in Human Pathology", Journal of Applied Nutrition, 23(3&4):61-88.

Klenner, F. (1974) "Significance of High Daily Intake of Ascorbic Acid in preventive medicine", Journal of the International Academy of Preventive Medicine, 1(1):45-69.

Lurie, J. (1965) "Benzene Intoxication and Vitamin C", Transactions of the Association of Industrial Medical Officers, vol 15:pp78-79.

Otani, T. (1936) "On the Vitamin C Therapy of Pertussis", Klinische Wochenschrift, 15(51):pp1884-1885.

Otani, T. (1939) "Influence of Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) upon the Whooping Cough Bacillus and its Toxin", Oriental Journal of Diseases of Infants, 25:1-4.

Ormerod, M., B. Unkauf, and F. White (1937), "A Further Report on the Ascorbic Acid Treatment of Whooping Cough", Canadian Medical Association Journal, 37(3):268-272.

Shapiro, B., et al, (1965) "Ascorbic Acid Protection against Inactivation of Lysozyme and Aldolase by Ionizing Radiation", US Airforce School of Aerospace Medicine, SAM-TR-65-71:pp1-3.

Shapiro, B. and Kollman G. (1967), "Protection by Ascorbic Acid against Radiation Damage in vitro", Journal of the Albert Einstein Medical Centre (Philadelphia), vol 15:pp63-70.

Ian Dettman, PhD (Biochemistry, Monash Univ.,
Melbourne) FRMIT (Microbiology and Biochemistry).
Biological Therapies
Factory 5, 20-30 Malcolm Rd
Braeside Vic.
Australia 3195
Ph. 011 61 395 87 3948
Fx: 011 61 395 87 1720
email: biol AT

Archie Kalokerinos, M.D. (Physician & Surgeon, London, Sydney) RMB 218ZA Bournes Lane Tamworth 2340 Australia Ph: 011 61 267 60 8166 Fx: 011 61 267 60 8344