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    126                                  THE ENZYME TREATMENT OF CANCER


name “trophoblast,” but also invented the thing, to which it is applied in embryology. These things are not true. The name was invented for a thing defined by Hubrecht in 1889, and the thing itself has existed for untold millions of years!

In 1895 the standpoint had been attained that in every life-cycle of a higher animal, such as man, there were two generations: an asexual one—the trophoblast, and a sexual one—the metazoan individual or person. The puzzle was not how the first of these arose, for clearly !t could be demonstrated any day in the week that it was the direct product of the cleaved or segmented egg (vide Fig. 5, phorozoon or larva). Somehow or other there arose gradually upon it the sexual generation by a pro­cess of evolution or unfolding.

How? Something resembling the spore mother cells of plants was required. That was very apparent. (See the table of Revised Comparison.) It was not until towards the close of 1900, when the first harvest of the germ-cell researches had been reaped, that the problem was cleared up. The germ-cells arose before the embryo, as products of a single cell, the primitive germ-cell (U.K.Z. of the diagram, Fig. 5), in a direct line from the fertilized egg. They came into being upon the asexual generation or trophoblast. To contain and to nourish these germ-cells for a brief span of time another organism was needed, a sexual one, endowed with sexual organs.

How was the sexual organism obtained? In embry­ology things do not come into existence out of nothing! True, there are embryologists who look upon holes or cavities as the sources of important organs, but the writer at all events is not a “hole-morphologist “

*  Any more than the author of this expression, the late Pro­fessor N. Kleinenberg, was.


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