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     140                                THE ENZYME TREATMENT OF CANCER


has been destroyed. It must be an extract of the pan­creas gland as free as possible from trypsin. (Compare Chapter VII.)

This treatment is not intended for use against benign tumours, which are composed of real or somatic tissues, and which are not killed or broken up by trypsin. Owing to this, the injections furnish a chemical test of the true nature of a tumour, whether it be benign or malignant. Thus, some pathologists look upon adenomata as benign, or at all events as only potentially malignant. To my mind, they are “imitation tissues,” and I should anticipate that any and every adenoma would yield to the chemical test.

Owing to the circumstance that the cycle of life is really a continuous procession and succession of uni­cellular organisms, germ-cells, from which there arise asexual generation or trophoblast, and embryo or sexual generation, the tumours can be classified into three groups, as follows

1.    Embryomata (benign neoplasms). — Pathological manifestations of some greater or less portion of the sexual generation—” the embryo.” They are composed of real tissues—that is, normal or somatic (“ embryonic “) cells or tissues. At its basis each is a greater or less portion of a twin, triplet, etc., identical with the indi­vidual containing it. They are not endowed with in­definite powers of growth, and they nourish themselves like other normal tissues.

2.    Amphimyxomata (malignant neoplasms).—Combi­nations of embryomata and trophoblastomata. Patho­logical manifestations or attempts to reproduce the whole life-cycle, including trophoblast and embryo. They are transitional forms. (The mixed tumours of Wilms are not all malignant, some being merely embryomata.)


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