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      246                                THE ENZYME TREATMENT OF CANCER


truth. After all, the naturally occurring organic com­pounds, as is now well known, except in orthodox em­bryology, zoology, and pathology, are either laevo- or dextro-rotatory. If the albumins of cancer be laevo ­rotatory, and not, as I affirm, dextro-rotatory, then embryology as a science, as the absorbing passion of a life of investigation, is in vain. Then trypsin and amylopsin open left-handed locks. Then—but then only—there is some contradiction in the constitution of the visible universe, as it has been determined by scientific men, who have worked for the love of the labour. But if the albumins of cancer be dextro-rotatory, and its glycogen laevo-rotatory, then let the scoffers hide their diminished heads.

Let trypsin and amylopsin be recognized to be what they are—the most powerful things in the whole range of organic nature.

It can add nothing of import to what the writer has endured during a research life of nearly twenty-nine years for daring to proclaim new truths of science with­out fear or favour, to take this further decisive step, which must either damn his labours of the past twenty-three years, or crown them with unfading glory; for it is my scientific conviction that that septuagenarian army surgeon of the American Civil War, who had had the enzyme treatment for cancer himself some four or five years ago (1906-07), spoke truly, when (December, 1908) he wrote words to the effect that the treatment of cancer by the ferments trypsin and amylopsin would in the end replace the knife—that this scientific treatment would go on, and be ever more developed, after he and I had done our labours and were at rest.


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