NO More Heart Disease (NMHD)

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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NO More Heart Disease (NMHD)

Post by TomD » Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:22 am

Currently I am doing Pauling therapy. I also have hypertension that is under "good" control with drugs, including an aspirin thrown in there. I am also reading NMHD, Louis Ignarro, and one of it's appeals is that it directly deals with high blood pressure. As has been mentioned here already, the NMHD therapy includes large doses of L-Arginine and L-Citrulline. This seems to act quite powerfully on hypertension, in some cases. NMHD therapy is supposed to improve endothelial performance and NO production, while I am hopeful Pauling will keep potential or actual blockage sites open.

I read here that lysine is good for NO production but nothing positive has so far occurred for me on the blood pressure front. (I also read here that my aspirin dosage may be undermining the C therapy).

Has anyone else tried the NMHD/nitric oxide route, and how can it be combined with Pauling Vitamin C therapy, if at all?

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Re: NO More Heart Disease (NMHD)

Post by sharonstar » Wed Oct 29, 2008 9:35 am

Hi Tom,
If you find something that works well for your blood pressure, I'd love to know. I have tried the arginine twice and my blood pressure soared like a rocket. I have never tried it with the L-citrulline. I am trying so hard to find a natural solution instead of all of the medications. One thing interesting, and I don't know if it was the reason but I certainly am going to experiment with it. A couple of weeks ago my BP went extremely high, like 208/167 or something similar. But before I went to the ER I swallowed 4 of the CoQ10 100 mg gels and extra magnesium. By the time I got checked in which was over 30 minutes the BP was 158/88 or something similar and the triage nurse said that the ER doc wouldn't treat it. I was really scared because I have carotid blockages. My yearly carotid doppler reports are improving each year and to be truthful I have not been eating as healthy as I should and I think that is the reason for the BP increase. And I also slacked off on the daily walking. Since then I have been eating healthy but the BP is still elevated more than it should be.

Good luck and let us know what works for you. Seymore mentioned about the Zona machine and it sounds like a good investment.


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Re: NO More Heart Disease (NMHD)

Post by ofonorow » Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:07 pm

Sharon, your answer triggered a thought. Magnesium will lower BP. It is just a question of how much. There is some amount that will put anyone on the floor. For my brother, it was 3000 mg. So, you should be able to control your high BP with a good magnesium supplement until you figure this out. Just remember that at some level of mg intake your BP will go so low that you will start to feel faint and risk passing out.

As far as combining a High Arginine protocol with the Pauling protocol, I don't foresee a big problem, and it is too bad that Pauling's theories are not taught in medical schools. The benefits from "expanding" the diameter of arteries is real, and probably at least part of the benefit of high lysine (NO production), but the Vitamin C theory explains the root problem/cause and the real solution.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: NO More Heart Disease (NMHD)

Post by Cis4me » Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:03 pm

I have supplemented with magnesium for a while now (usually 800mg of mg citrate/ascorbate) and can't say it has ever done anything with my moderately high blood pressure. Perhaps I either need the same dose (or higher) more frequently or a different form of Mg, if anything the magnesium has a sort of caffiene like effect on me (without the jitters and the sweating).

Vitamin C (by itself at least) seems to have had no effect on my BP. If anything though it has helped with my weight loss which correspondly lowered my BP. My typical amount is 10 grams/day in 3-6 divided doses.

a clove or 2 of raw crushed garlic seems to work for me for a few hours (lowers both numbers by about 10-15 points) but it is a bit inconvient and might be objectionable to some people.

interestingly, I recently tried adding 500mg of niacinamide 3x a day and within 3 days my diastolic blood pressure dropped by about 10 points (from an average of 85 to 75). When I stopped taking it it rose a few points a few days later... I haven't started and stopped it enough times to be completely sure it was the niacin, but it sure seemed like it.

I also take anywhere between 6000-8000 IU of vitamin D3 which may have something to do with it.

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Re: NO More Heart Disease (NMHD)

Post by ofonorow » Thu Oct 30, 2008 4:24 am

I have supplemented with magnesium for a while now (usually 800mg of mg citrate/ascorbate) and can't say it has ever done anything with my moderately high blood pressure.

We found out about the BP lowering effect by accident, and I am not suggesting that you try this on your own, at least without people around you if you pass out. There is an unspecified amount, in my brother's case 3000 mg, and if you take that much, you will find yourself on the floor. Perhaps there is an intermediate amount that lowers blood pressure, without the risk of passing out.

The reason is probably because mg relaxes the artery "muscles" doctor Levy describes within the wall of arteries that have to do with arterial constriction.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: NO More Heart Disease (NMHD)

Post by sharonstar » Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:06 am

I have been taking magnesium 800 mg. for some time now. But the last post from you and Cis4me triggered a couple of ideas. The last time I bought magnesium from the health food store they were out of magnesium citrate which is what I usually buy in the NOW brand. The bottle that I bought was also from NOW but was magnesium from magnesium oxide(which I knew isn't absorbed as well), magnesium citrate and magnesium aspartate. Maybe that is part of the answer. Also I had been taking 10,000 I.U. of vitamin D3 and my doctor told me to lower it to 5,000 IU. I am going to increase the dosage back up to 10,000 IU and see if that helps. I want to increase the magnesium but will be careful not to overdo it. I now have the regular magnesium citrate. Those two things are the only things that have changed. My weight hasn't changed either direction much although I need to increase the exercise and lose some weight. In the past 2-3 weeks since the increase in BP I have tried the Rice Diet which calls for lower sodium and also the low carb(not Atkins) and neither has made a noticeable difference. Thank you so much for your input. But just one question. Would another form of magnesium be better such as malate? I just want to get off of these drugs ASAP. Thanks again.



Re: NO More Heart Disease (NMHD)

Post by TomD » Thu Oct 30, 2008 9:51 am

Dr. Jay Cohen has a book out on magnesium and blood pressure. About 6 bucks. He is the kind of guy who gets published in medical journals, and yet doesn't seem to have drunk the pharmaceutical cool-aid. I haven't found the book up here in Canada, so I will have to ad it to my must import list. Along along with PMWL.

Hulda Clark, the zapper lady, claims BP is largely related to problems on the kidneys and has a cleanse for that. Probably can't hurt...

I'm willing to try most stuff that isn't too crazy as long as it won't make maters worse.

I'm certainly overweight. But not by that much. I hope it is enough that when I get the weight off I will have shed some BP problems. I weighed 260, which is way more than I had thought. I'm down to 240, With my frame I would thin 195 would be minimum. I'm currently on the fear diet. It's working great and it's more or less painless. I know some people say loosing weight when you are ill is a bad thing to do, but if the weight and diet are the main problem, that seems like a poor excuse. I would like to try the Shangrilha diet, (there is a name that just yells "whack job") but I don't seem to need it for now.


Re: NO More Heart Disease (NMHD)

Post by Apologia » Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:09 am

Eliminating wheat and refined carbs, losing weight, and exercising all contribute to lower blood pressure. Wheat seems to be a problem for a lot of people as far as BP goes.

Magnesium is a good start, but optimizing vitamin D levels should also be a priority. Other hormones like thyroid can also affect BP. Add in some CoQ10. Also consider the amino acid taurine, 3g a couple times a day. It helps to balance the electrolytes and manages fluid regulation. Keeps potassium outside the cells, and sodium in the cells. Could be a great addition to a natural BP management program.

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Re: NO More Heart Disease (NMHD)

Post by stardust007 » Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:08 am

Sharon, try Epsom salt bath soaks. Epsom salts are high in magnesium. Oral Magnesium supplements are not metabolized very effectively. Getting your mag transdermally (bath soak) or by using "Magnesium Oil" seems to be more effective. There was/is a British doctor/researcher who studied Epsom salt baths and found quite a dramatic lowering of BP. The effect was quite prolonged throughout the day from a soak. Easy to try and see if it works.Very relaxing also! Costco has a good price on Epsom salts

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Re: NO More Heart Disease (NMHD)

Post by BaronZemo » Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:51 pm

[quote="ofonorow"][color=#0000FF]Sharon, your answer triggered a thought. Magnesium will lower BP. It is just a question of how much. There is some amount that will put anyone on the floor. For my brother, it was 3000 mg. So, you should be able to control your high BP with a good magnesium supplement until you figure this out. Just remember that at some level of mg intake your BP will go so low that you will start to feel faint and risk passing out.

As far as combining a High Arginine protocol with the Pauling protocol, I don't foresee a big problem, and it is too bad that Pauling's theories are not taught in medical schools. The benefits from "expanding" the diameter of arteries is real, and probably at least part of the benefit of high lysine (NO production), but the Vitamin C theory explains the root problem/cause and the real solution.


what is the name of the special type magnesium that will lower bp..the stuff sold by nature made gives me loose stools

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Re: NO More Heart Disease (NMHD)

Post by DanSco » Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:04 pm

There's a lot of info about magnesium on this site. The author seems to be focused on depression rather than blood pressure. I would assume that his recommendations in regards to bioavailability would be just as valid for BP as depression.

Note: I am not a doctor nor do I pretend to be one on the internet. Do not duplicate what I do without a pat on the head from your doctor and a note from your mommy.

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Re: NO More Heart Disease (NMHD)

Post by Frank » Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:37 pm

I've been battling with trying to lower my BP by natural means for a long time too. Right now I am taking prescription medication to have my BP well controlled, But I am trying to eliminate them.

My latest trial is to use magnesium after reading about Owen's brother. I have also read the book that was mentioned in earlier post. I am now having about 6.25 gm of magnesium chloride powder dissolved in about 20ml of water per day. I think that it is helping. I have looked into absorption of this magnesium and it appears that it should be about 15%. If this is true, the 6.25gm turns into about 935mg for the day.

The question I have, Owen, is about the 3000mg your brother took. How long did it take to notice the effect and what type of magnesium was he taking? Was the 3000mg the amount that he was absorbing or taking?


Re: NO More Heart Disease (NMHD)

Post by kingbe » Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:43 am

I have hi Blood Pressure. Dr Whittaker of Health & Healing Newsletter states : "In general, the more potassium & magnesium you can consume, the more rapidly your BP will fall" He says around 500 mg of magnesium , but I cut back on that as I feel it is too much for me >currently taking Mg Citrate , 300 mg/day.Walking regularly for excercise. Says to drink glass of Lo Sodium V-8 Juice to get potassium everyday. I have tried this and it helps but I need to lose some weight also.

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Re: NO More Heart Disease (NMHD)

Post by ofonorow » Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:07 am

Frank wrote:
The question I have, Owen, is about the 3000mg your brother took. How long did it take to notice the effect and what type of magnesium was he taking? Was the 3000mg the amount that he was absorbing or taking?

This was some time ago, and I heard about it after the fact. He had some heart disturbance that frightened him, and he decided to take a lot (3000 mg) of magnesium all at one time. He wound up on the floor not long after ingesting that amount.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: NO More Heart Disease (NMHD)

Post by J.Lilinoe » Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:45 pm

As one person already mentioned, check ALL of your thyroid hormones.
Also, if you want to remove calcium from the arteries, take Vitamin K2.

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