Missing Kidney, Bowel Tolerance over 70 g

This forum will focus on the interesting topic of titrating oral vitamin C intake to so-called bowel tolerance, the point just prior to the onset of diarrhea

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Missing Kidney, Bowel Tolerance over 70 g

Post by ofonorow » Sat Aug 22, 2009 4:48 am

Dear Dr. Fonorow,

I had left kidney removed in May (but not the ureter). I was told after getting the CT scan in the emergency room about three weeks before surgery that I did not have cancer even though the report says cancer was highly suspected.

Baseball size transitional cell cancer was found. Weeks later, when talking with the doctor I mentioned I was surprised there was cancer when report said I didn't have it - he then read me the findings that cancer was highly suspected. I've been dealing with infections all
summer - took two antibiotics, which didn't take care of the problem, was prescribed another and I didn't take it as I read so many awful side effects so have been using various natural things with only some success.

Had read quite a bit of information on DoctorYourself.com awhile back and recently discovered your site and only earlier this week I began using vitamin C. Began using the 18th and increased very slowly that day as I had no guidance on how to do it. Got to 71 gr that day. Continued yesterday and increased rather quickly to 10 gr per hr. I ran out of the ascorbic powder mid morning so took pills for about four hours until my rectum began to feel raw (stool was loose but no diarrhea).

I do use probiotics and with them I'm able to eliminate usually two times per day, not hard stools. But the vitamin C hasn't seemed to make them any more loose. After my rectum began hurting I quit until my powder order came but began again with 2 gr at 5pm and continued unto 9 with 2 gr. each hr. Still wasn't asleep by 11 so took 3 gr because the bladder pain was intensifying.

Today I have been taking 7 gr each hr but I'm experiencing so much bladder pain and even lower back pain that I'm not sure what to do next. I still have to catherize since the surgery and until just the last couple days have been able to usually urinate fairly well before catherization but last evening and today I can hardly urinate at all.

I'm scheduled for surgery on Aug 24 to remove the ureter tube and didn't want to do this after questioning the doctor recently how it would be done (he had earlier explained soon after surgery that one or more very small incisions would be made low and it would be out but now he tells me that he will be going in through the bladder and cutting from there
first and then finishing the job outside and while in the bladder will take out any cancers if found. He also told me he insists that I return every three months for him to go in and look it all over, which I don't plan on doing. Another doctor already ran a scope through the bladder into the kidney in December and told me I had no filtering system in it and there was an open space there!!!! She injured things inside and I've never been the same since because of that and the antibiotic (levaquin) she used which gave me extreme insomnia (I still have) plus other problems.

I waited so long to proceed because of the first procedure until I ended up in the emergency room and then got another doctor. Seems any time I have something done by these doctors my quality of life is worse than before. I want to use natural methods that don't harm my body.

Do you think vitamin C can do anything for my situation at this point?


Well the short answer is that if you can take over 70 g per day, yes, the vitamin C will help because your body desperately requires it.

Also, since this is a kidney problem, mix some baking soda with your vitamin C (as Pauling did) to keep the urine pH neutral. Some of the pain/problem might be from the body trying to counter that much acid.

How much? Get some pH strips and monitor your urine.

If I understand your account, you may not have a kidney meaning there is no filtering, and that would mean your body is not retaining vitamin C (a normal function of the kidney). So taking it often throughout the day is probably required.

This is a sad situation, and depending on your finances, I would probably consider seeing a great alternative doctor, someone like Harvard educated Jonathan Wright, MD - in the Northwest, before having any more procedures.

p.s. I have never heard of "transisitional" cancer and wonder if that is a euphemism for a growing benign tumor?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Missing Kidney, Bowel Tolerance over 70 g

Post by ofonorow » Sat Aug 22, 2009 4:50 am

I just checked my urine pH and it is between 5.5 and 6.0. What is it supposed to be?

I have one functioning kidney; the left one was removed in May (it had cancer and was non-functioning). Do they put sodium bicarbonate in the vitamin C IV drip or what happens in that situation?

Thanks again,

Good question - I thought the pH strips were color coded. According to wikipedia, 7.0 is neutral, so your urine is slightly acidic. I would add some bicarb.

And as a matter of fact, only sodium ascorbate can be safely given IV, i.e., ascorbic acid should not be administered IV.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Missing Kidney, Bowel Tolerance over 70 g

Post by ofonorow » Sat Aug 22, 2009 4:52 am

Thank you so much! I have postponed the surgery and found a doctor who will do the IV's for me. Appreciate your help so much.


Terrific. Keep us informed.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Missing Kidney, Bowel Tolerance over 70 g

Post by sjmusic2 » Sat Aug 22, 2009 6:41 am

The pH of urine is close to neutral (7) but can normally vary between 4.5 and 8 (also on Wiki)...might be beneficial to monitor your pH over a period of weeks to get a true feel for your typical range.

Wouldn't this be a good opportunity for Lypo-C - as it's supposed to be more effective than powder or IV - you would require a lower dose and thereby reduce the workload on the remaining kidney ?

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Re: Missing Kidney, Bowel Tolerance over 70 g

Post by pamojja » Sat Aug 22, 2009 8:03 am

sjmusic2 wrote:Wouldn't this be a good opportunity for Lypo-C .. and thereby reduce the workload on the remaining kidney ?
In the video at http://www.livonlabs.com/ Dr. Levy says that 5 grams of liposmal encapsulated Vitamin C would be clinically more effective than 50 gram of intravenous vitamin C.

7 grams of Lypo-SphericTM Vitamin C - to be equal or superior to 70 gram of intravenous Vitamin C - at a price of $ 1.33/per gram would cost $9.32 per day.
While 70 gram of regular ascorbic acid could be bought around $ 2.60 (Vitamin C Fountation's at $ 7.93/day). However, taking such a large amount at regular intervals means quite some hassle. Not to talk about the necessary efforts for getting regular IVs (what's the price of IVs?)

This comparison raises the question: How much more effective is 1 gram of intravenous Vitamin C - compared to ordinary ascorbic acid? - Or is the main advantage of IV C over oral intake that it is able to circumvent bowel tolerance?

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Re: Missing Kidney, Bowel Tolerance over 70 g

Post by ofonorow » Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:03 am


I was having a bad night last night when I sent this to you sorry for the mis spelling and incomplete sentences.

I had the attack 1 yr. ago at age 50. I have worked out for 38 1/2 years always good blood pressure and total cholesterol of 175 (the good was 28 and that was the problem) never smoked - don't drink - no red meat in 30 years nor fried food. They stented the 99% blocked artery and left the other at 54% 49%. Now we found out I have the dilated Aortic root, dilated Aorta 4.4 and leaky valve. They want to wait 5 years I don't

I'm a very physical person by habit and don't think it is wise to wait. I do take 1500 mg of vitamin C in a liquid gel tab and E Magnesium= co Q10 and fish oil from http://www.n3inc.com

Thank you


I have not felt good for 380 days

How long have you been taking 1.5 grams of vitamin C... Also, if in liquid, probably only 750 mg equivalent. (Loses about 50% in 4 hours in water).

Pauling recommendeding 5-6 grams - minimum - and I think it requires 10 to 20 g (10,000 to 20,000 mg), and sometimes more, to reverse heart disease. In your case, you seem to be doing everything right - expect that you seem to have a high requirement for vitamin C, which is catching up to you.

You may be an order of magnitude too low in your vitamin C intake.

Pauling also recommended lysine - 5 to 6 grams - for reversal.

The other issue is the drugs they are probably giving you (most of them slowly kill you) and if you want to feel better, you'll have to wean yourself.

P.P., If you read this and want to contribute, create a login at this forum, and then send me email to activate your account.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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