VC....... not exacty the results I was looking for!!!

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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VC....... not exacty the results I was looking for!!!

Post by jknosplr » Sat Feb 05, 2011 4:37 am

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Re: VC....... not exacty the results I was looking for!!!

Post by ofonorow » Sat Feb 05, 2011 6:48 am

Hello Owen,

I'm not usually inclined to comment without invitation, but the problems that jknospir are having seem classic to me, if I am right. First and foremost, if he has any root canals, they need to come out yesterday, and they need to be extracted properly. The best supplementation and nutrition will often be absolutely useless in the face of this source of dental toxicity. If he is absolutely certain there are no root canals (sometimes people don't know or forget, and they are apparent on a dental X-ray), then he needs a good dentist to look for other subclinically infected teeth. If there are any lucent spaces around teeth consistent with abscesses, they need to be extracted. Periodontal disease needs to be addressed as well. Water pik with some warm water and hydrogen peroxide usually resolves even advanced cases and subsequently maintains the gums in a much healthier state. If he has implanted teeth, serious consideration should be given to having these properly extracted as well, especially if none of the other possible sources of dental infection/toxicity are present. "The Roots of Disease" covers all of this in much more detail.

Anyone who is contemplating extensive dental work should first be completely comfortable with their decision. As in don't believe me, examine the evidence and make your own decision. No health care practitioner is always correct, and what I am offering here is certainly not a specific consultation on jknospir. All of this represents guidelines that I would offer to anyone, sight unseen, due to the nature of the science and the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis.

If there are absolutely no questions of dental toxicity (and I would very, very seriously doubt that there are none, as his atherosclerosis is currently in what I term a viciously aggressive phase), then gut toxicity needs to be addressed. If he is not having one or more stools daily, then this needs to addressed promptly. Proper food combinations are essential and there should be the routine ingestion of enough sodium ascorbate to assure this minimal bowel activity. Two or more bowel movements daily would be optimal.

If none of the above applies, then intravenous vitamin C for a while (as a loading dose) should be considered, with 3 to 5 grams of liposome encapsulated vitamin C daily to go along with his current regimen. I would certainly not rely on any of the homemade liposome C, either. The LivOn product is costly because it is difficult to produce a high quality, stable, and properly encapsulated product. The reasoning is that there needs to be, at least initially, a large "gradient" of vitamin C to allow penetration of old plaque
and permit increasing levels of the C to start accumulating inside the artery).Vitamin D3 should be supplemented to maintain a level of 60 to 80 ng/cc.

All forms of calcium should be avoided as supplementation, and milligram (not
microgram) doses of K2 should be taken. Probably 600 to 1,000 mg of magnesium glycinate should be added (which will also help the bowels, if that was in fact a problem). Milk and most dairy foods (except butter) should be regularly avoided. A regular dose of nattokinase would probably a good idea as well.

If his mouth is pristine and all of this is being done already, then I have to confess to being clueless, at least until some further inspiration hits my

Best regards,

Dr. Levy
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: VC....... not exacty the results I was looking for!!!

Post by jknosplr » Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:32 am

Dental work: All amalgam fillings have been removed with in a year of of the first event. All have been filled with a ceramic. Several have been capped within the last 3 years(approx). To my knowledge there are no root canals as I took fairly good care of my teeth over the years. To my knowledge there is no disease present. The only time my teeth have ever hurt was during a myocardial event when they ached in the bottom jaw.

Bowel activity is normal two per day some times more when BT is reached, which is almost every day for the last 1 1/2 years (approx) and or at least excessive gas on the edge of diarrhea.

Was taking the LivOn product for approx 6 months? 1 to 2 packets /day added to the 18 gr of VC taken daily. Lipo is pricey so that was stopped back in Nov 2010 (approx)

Not currently taking any K2 or magnesium glycinate.

Fat free creamer half/half in my coffee no (trans fat) and minimal amounts of cheese, no butter, no nattokinase either.

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Re: VC....... not exacty the results I was looking for!!!

Post by Cobraman » Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:13 am

Have you considered edta chelation therapy? There appears to be a strong rationale for this. Also, instead of statin, niacin could be used for cholesterol control. A good book on this is "Cholesterol Control without Diet, The Niacin Solution". Niacin has more benefits and less risk than statins and is the only med/supplement known to raise HDL cholesterol. There have been many studies on this confirming its efficacy. Even though it can increase homocysteine levels all the studies indicate that it was very effective in decreasing heart disease. To decrease the increase in homocysteine, take TMG and a b compex vitamin.

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Re: VC....... not exacty the results I was looking for!!!

Post by Johnwen » Sun Feb 06, 2011 11:19 am

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: VC....... not exacty the results I was looking for!!!

Post by jknosplr » Mon Feb 07, 2011 3:08 am

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Re: VC....... not exacty the results I was looking for!!!

Post by majkinetor » Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:06 am

I think that the advice was that it might not be something that Pauling Protocol might prevent 100%.

As far as my knowledge goes, Pauling protocol is used to bring cholesterol down and prevent formation of cholesterol deposits. It might also reverse existing deposits but this is not so effective as prevention AFAIK - it might work or not.

Now, if its water retention that is the problem (so you need to test this), you need to do something about kidneys. I guess it might be do to the renin-angiotensin system:

Dr Laragh says that essential hypertension exists in two forms. The first form is low renin hypertension, occuring in about a third of hypertensives. This is called Volume (V) hypertension. The plasma rennin activity PRA test shows low renin (less than 0.65 ng/m/hr) and the "water pills" such as the thiazides and calcium channel blockers work best for this type of low renin hypertension.

The second type is high renin hypertension, occurring in the other two thirds of hypertensives, is labeled (R) for Renin Hypertension, and the PRA levels are greater than 0.65 ng/m/hr. This hypertension is due to the renin-angiotensin system, and the newer drugs such as the ACE Inhibitors (angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors) and Beta Blockers work best for this type.

If dr Laragh is right, you are 2nd group and you need to check your renin levels. The type 2 is controled by Vitamin D. Do you take Vitamin D and how much if so ?


Re: VC....... not exacty the results I was looking for!!!

Post by Ranne » Mon Feb 07, 2011 8:43 am

jknosplr wrote:the question still remains why did the protocol fail, thats what I need to know.

Hi, jknospir. I am only a couple months into the PT, but I had a previous heart attack, so I'm also in the position of really needing to know.

I've been going through your old posts trying to get a sense of what else you have been doing besides PT but it's several pages and kind of time-consuming so forgive me if I'm asking things you've already posted about:

Until recently, you were not taking statins/beta blockers etc.?
Your diet is mainly what? Sort of Ornish? In particular do you eat much wheat and/or peanuts?

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Re: VC....... not exacty the results I was looking for!!!

Post by ofonorow » Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:09 pm

From my point of view, jknosplr, the fact that you are posting is the indicator that what you are doing has been successful. While you are conducting an experiment on yourself, it is hardly a controlled experiment.

Johnwen took the time to explain why snow shoveling is dangerous, especially for heart patients. It was informative and I learned something. Why you would react so negatively is another clue to why you may be suffering heart disease. If you want more scientific information, terrific. I am all for it. Ask you doctor why there aren't any studies.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: VC....... not exacty the results I was looking for!!!

Post by pamojja » Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:31 pm

ofonorow wrote:Johnwen took the time to explain why snow shoveling is dangerous, especially for heart patients. It was informative and I learned something. Why you would react so negatively is another clue to why you may be suffering heart disease.

Really no need to be divisive. I usually enjoy John's contributions too, but this time it did feel for the first time patronizing for a bystander too (now doubled by having this negativity projected on it's recipient).

More Ease to you all.


Re: VC....... not exacty the results I was looking for!!!

Post by Ranne » Tue Feb 08, 2011 3:56 pm

ofonorow wrote:Johnwen took the time to explain why snow shoveling is dangerous, especially for heart patients. It was informative and I learned something.
The surge in numbers of heart attack victims after snowstorms is mainly due to couch potatoes who do not get regular exercise, subjecting themselves to sudden, unaccustomed, heavy exertion, without pacing themselves or warming up or knowing their limitations.

There was no reason to assume jknospir was in that category.

A blanket statement that heart patients shouldn't do strenuous exercise would be a surprise to both my cardiologist and the team managing my rehab, all of whom kick my ass if I am not exercising strenuously enough. The regular exercise component of cardiac rehabilitation programs is the main reason they are successful in preventing subsequent events.

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Re: VC....... not exacty the results I was looking for!!!

Post by Cobraman » Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:01 pm

Back to the original question of why didn't the Pauling Therapy work? I personally am very interested w/ this as I am sure most of the newer members are. I want to know if for some reason, in certain situations, the PT can have a negative effect. I understand that we all want so hard to believe this works like a dream, but we must evaluate every negative effect to find the truth. The two things that stick out in my mind are the stents J had placed in his heart. Were these medicated? How much damage was created or how much damage existed before placement? Also liposomal was removed during treatment. Is it possible that in certain individuals a synergistic substrate like lecithin is needed to make vit c effective? I have a vested interest in this since I didn't have any chest pain before starting this therapy and am now consistently having a dull pain in my chest which feels like a pulled muscle(evaluating further in 2 days). I personally will be trying the liposomal form and am not close to throwing in the towel, but it behooves us all to analyze this scientifically with no preconceived notions. My feeling thus far is that it definitely helps repair joints and eliminate joint pain as I have personally experienced. With this in mind, most nutritional treatments that will help one part of the body will have positive benefits elsewhere. There may just be some caveats w/ certain groups. One final thought is what is J's carb intake? This can do a lot of damage even while taking the right supplements.


Re: VC....... not exacty the results I was looking for!!!

Post by VanCanada » Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:51 pm

jknosplr wrote:Not currently taking any K2 or magnesium glycinate.

Fat free creamer half/half in my coffee no (trans fat) and minimal amounts of cheese, no butter, no nattokinase either.
I didn't know you could get a fat free half/half coffee creamer. Is that with that patented indegistible fat ingredient? The information quoted suggests a possible deficiency in vitamin A or one or more of the healthy fats.

The most fertile ground to find answers in this case would be in your diet. The closer to the SAD diet you were, the less surprised I would be about the rupture.

I would second the motion by Cobraman to get more details on the carbohydrate consumption the past several years - the approx. amounts and in what forms please and thank you. I wouldn't want to pry into your diet, but if you want theories we might need a bit more data to go on here.

Finally, we are all biochemically a bit different from one another so any protocol, even "full dose VC protocol (taken) religiously", should be read with the disclaimer - your mileage may vary.

good luck. let's hope we can learn more.

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Re: VC....... not exacty the results I was looking for!!!

Post by jknosplr » Wed Feb 09, 2011 2:30 am

Cobraman the stents were bare metal stents I requested, I knew about the problems with the medicated stents. As a matter of fact the hospitals to my knowledge will not use a medicated stent. In Europe they are experimenting with a biodegradable stent, but has not been approved by FDA here in USA.
As far as damage, cardiologist, did not see any damage when he dye checked the ventricle. In one month I am doing a follow up with a Nucular stress test to determine blood flow to that area. Card said if there was big damage I would have a tired feeling. As far as I know I haven't felt any different, except slightly frustrated!

As the pain you are experience, I have had bouts with the right side and under the right pectoral muscle. I was told that I may of rubbed the plural sac while weight training. I also have experienced a dull pain under both pectorals laterally across the chest. Its more of a ache, but its noticeable. Problem is after an event, you are so in tune with pain, it becomes over bearing and one will become consumed with it.

VanCanda I changed the diet back in 2007, to monostaurated fats, cut the red meat and shell fish, (Except Venison), , increased the lean white meat, and cold water fish. Dumped all the refined sugars and simple carbs, increased the complex carbs with greens and fiber. Funny thing is after all of the diet changing the totals cholesterol did not drop much until I began taking 2 gr niacin/day. Then total began to drop below 185 and HDL raised to about 55. Last blood test posted. Also the particle size of the LDL increased to type A or "large buoyant" i wrote a post about it. BP 100/75 yesterday, before event last week 115/75
Though I was on the right track, doc was on board so there was no conflicts with him, then wammo!!

Hope this helps

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Re: VC....... not exacty the results I was looking for!!!

Post by jknosplr » Wed Feb 09, 2011 2:43 am

I didn't know you could get a fat free half/half coffee creamer. Is that with that patented indegistible fat ingredient? The information quoted suggests a possible deficiency in vitamin A or one or more of the healthy fats.

No trans fats in my cave!

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