Six Alternative Doctors Found Dead and Two more Missing
[Press Release July 2015]
Feds raid famous autism researcher Bradstreet's office in Buford, GA just before his death
2 More Doctors Go Missing, after 3 Alternative Doctors Found Dead in 2 Weeks
Not to throw a monkey wrench in the mix, but the same day Dr. Bradstreet's body was found in here in the South East US, three bodies of three doctors were found in Mexico. They were traveling to the state capital to do paperwork. Here's a bit of info on those 3 doctors found (which are different than the three doctors found at the beginning of the article) If we count these three too, that would be 6 doctors found dead within 2 weeks and 2 more currently missing. That's just in the US and Mexico. - Erin Elizabeth
Famous Autism researcher and Doctor, Jeff Bradstreet MD - He too had a run in with the feds, was investigated and charged.
Miami Prosecutor Appointed to Head FDA Office of Criminal Investigations
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