Books on Vitamin C
Here is a list of some Vitamin C books. Please feel free to add more.
- The Healing Factor: Vitamin C Against Disease Irwin Stone (1974)
- Vitamin C, the Common Cold, and the Flu, Linus Pauling (1976)
- Vitamin C: Its Molecular Biology and Medical Potential Sherry Lewin (1976)
- The Vitamin C Connection. Emmanuel Cheraskin (1983)
- How To Live Longer and Feel Better by Linus Pauling (1986,2006)
- Cancer and Vitamin C Ewan Cameron and Linus Pauling (1993)
- Vitamin C: The Future Is Now (Keats Good Health Guide) Jeffrey Bland (1998)
- Vitamin C and Cancer: Discovery, Recovery, Controversy Abram Hoffer (2001)
- Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases and Toxins Thomas E Levy (2002)
- Vitamin C: How Best To Use It (Second Edition) Stephen Sheffrey (2002)
- User's Guide to Vitamin C, by Hyla Cass, Jim English, and Jack Challem (2002)
- Ascorbate: The Science of Vitamin C Steve Hickey and Hiliary Roberts (2003)
- Cancer: Nutrition and Survival Hickey/Roberts (2005)
- Ridiculous Dietary Allowance Hickey/Roberts (2005)
- Stop America's #1 Killer Thomas E levy (2006)
- The Cancer Breakthrough Hickey/Roberts (2007)
- Vitamin C the Real Story Hickey/Saul (2008)
- Practicing Medicine Without a License (Pauling Therapy Handbook) Owen Fonorow/Sally Jewell (2008)*
- Primal Panacea Thomas E. Levy (2111)
- A (Patented) Heart Disease Cure That Works! David Leake (2012)
- Death By Calcium Thomas E. Levy (2013)
* Amazon #1 Best Seller in Medical Home Care